When she wakes from a short nap I leave her hoping she'll self settle and fall back asleep but she just stays in her bed looking around, after a few moments she starts talking to herself until I get her.
I think part of the issue is how lightly she's sleeping. When she naps, the entire household has to be quiet and I have gotten so anxious and high strung because my 3 year old is doing what 3 year olds do. Today her morning nap was only an hour again and this time she awoke because my husband peed in the guest bathroom (TMI sorry). We already use a white noise machine and I've closed all of the windows in the bedroom so that outside noise doesn't come in. I honestly feel like I'm going crazy.
Does how deeply she sleeps depend on how UT/OT she is? How deeply she sleeps is fine at night but her naps is when her sleep seems easily disturbed.