would love some advice to help with my daughters overnight sleeping. She has just turned 6 months old and from 10 days old until she was 4 months she slept right through the night, in the beginning for 8 hours and by 4 months she tended to sleep 8pm to 8am. She used to really tank up spending 5pm to 8pm doing a lot of feeding. I know this is unusual and honestly I'd be happy now with just one or two wakes in the night! Over this period she didn't sleep much at all during the day, maybe an hour tops, and because she slept so well at night and didn't display any tired cues I have to say that we didn't even think about putting her on any kind of routine.
At 4 months this all stopped! She has started to wake multiple times during the night so I've been much more disciplined about her daily routine although I know it doesn't follow EASY to the letter. I think because she doesn't sleep at night she's having more naps now, a typical day now (and for last 5 weeks) is:
7am breastfeed
8am solids
9.30am breastfeed
9.45am naps for about 45 minutes
12.30pm breastfeed then solids for lunch
1.30pm naps for about 90 minutes
Occasionally, if the night before has been really bad she has another 45 minute nap in the afternoon.
4.30ish breastfeed then solids for tea
6.45pm bath, book, breastfeed, bed and is asleep by 7.30pm. She is ready for bed then but doesn't seem overtired.
She tends to feed for 15 - 20 min at a time and both sides, occasionally will have another one or two 5 minute feeds during the day which might be me thinking she's hungry rather than her needing it.
We now use PU/PD (started 5 weeks ago) and that works brilliantly all through the day for naps and for bedtime. Occasionally takes 15min and 3 or 4 pick ups but usually much quicker now.
She has started to wake ALOT! So usually about 11.30pm then 3am and after that she's often waking every 30 minutes or so but sometimes will be awake for two hours in the middle of the night. She is often wide awake wanting to play, we leave her but she never goes back to sleep herself, it always turns into fussing and then proper crying and then what seems like endless pick up / put down which can go on for over an hour and she can get quite hysterical, the second you pick her up she stops and the second you put her down she starts screaming with full tears, the works!
I try not to feed her until after 2am and only twice a night. She does eat properly but because she wakes up playing I don't think it's hunger that's waking her up. Also I often can't get her to feed at 7am as she's replacing her morning feed with the night ones rather than adding in an extra one.
A lot is happening for her at once as she's very physically active at quite a young age, at 4 months she was rolling then sitting and now she is crawling although she's still perfecting that skill, and she is starting to pull herself up to standing on things. She's also teething and in the last week has one of her bottom teeth has cut through. Plus we started weaning at 5 1/2 months and she's now just moved onto 3 meals a day. During the day she is really happy and it's very rare for her to cry.
She does has a lovie but to be honest she's not that interested in it, we introduced it as part of the bedtime routine but she mostly ignores it! At the moment her cot is in our room but we're thinking of moving it to her nursery.
I'm wondering a few things:
- I know 'sleep breeds sleep' but I do wonder if she needs less sleep than the average baby and by napping during the day she's turning waking up at night into a real habit
- I seem to be feeding her more than every 4 hours, even though she's now moving on to solids. She's always been on the small side, she consistently tracks on the 9th percentile, down from her birth weight at 25th, health visitors are happy with this as she's so active). I can't help wonder if either I'm desperately trying to get her to feed too often leading to her snacking OR is she actually not getting enough and do I need to switch to formula (which I'm reluctant to do).
- any other tips to help with all the waking would be greatly appreciated!