Hi, I seem to have a similar problem with my 7week old - she is a good night sleeper and only wakes up for a feed once or twice (I BF exclusively). We achieved her night sleeping instinctively somehow as i wasnt following any routine. I BF on demand so it is between 2 and 3 hours during the day, depending on how she sleeps. Her routine is a bit chaotic so im keen to get her on one soon. So far I thought she was too little and too gassy to try and introduce anything other than follow her lead but am getting frustrated! She will not sleep on her own during the day - maybe 30 mins max and thats only after she falls asleep on me. (At night she falls asleep on me but then she sleeps really well on her own in a crib). So for 7weeks now ive been 'baby wearing' pretty much all day...
Im new to the BW so havent tried it until this morning (our morning routine has been rouhly the same for about two weeka now: wake up at 7.30 ish, E, A, S at a out 8.30-9 but only on me. When I did the shh-pat this morning to settle her down for sleep in her carrycot she would scream her eyes out! Ive tried to be tough and stuck to it for 3 hours but nothing seemed to have worked! A few times she nearly drofted off but after a few secs she was screaming again. At 12 she drofted off on me and i ma aged to put her down, she slept for 30 mins.
We were both exhausted after this try so i have a few questions to see if the BW approach is good for us at all:
- if the shh- pat is not working, how long do you go on for? Was 3 hrs too long, my LO was definitely OT and so was I!
- how can i gradually wean her off sleeping on me, could it be she is just too young for it?
- she used to sleep in her pram during walks for the first month but this is no longer working as she wakes up too soon after i put her down
- maybe i should do her daytime naps in her room as well? -we are downstairs in the living room during the day and i try to use the buggys carrycot/bassinet for naps...?
- should i persevere woth the training (although i havent carried on in the evening today, wanted LO to get some sleep amd rest!) - will her nighttime sleep get disturbed as a result?
Apologies for all these questions but as you see im so co fused, frustrated and exhausted! If you could help i will be soooo grateful!
Thank you!