Author Topic: 2 mo and Easy has gone all wrong  (Read 888 times)

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2 mo and Easy has gone all wrong
« on: February 25, 2014, 20:51:02 pm »
We need some help please ladies. DS has been an amazing sleeper from birth right up until 2 weeks ago. He has always just fallen asleep independently anywhere you put him no matter what was going on around him and he would just sleep right through for 2 or 3 hours when I would have to wake him for his next feed! He was STTN at 7 weeks from DF at 10.30 until 6.30 or 7.00.

Fast forward to now and our EASY is a mess mainly due to short naps. I have tried various A times but no matter what I try we get 30 min naps. DS is then so hard to resettle and with a 3 yr old I can't spend ages shushing and patting to lengthen the nap. At BT DS self settles still and he wakes once for a NF and that is it, so our nights are still good. I am still pushing with the self settling to sleep because I know he can do it but yesterday he took 35 mins to fall asleep, so I am thinking by then he is OT? A typical day now is...

WU 7.20
E 7.30
A 1h 30 (in cot by first or second yawn usually 1 hr mark)
S 8.50- 9.20
A 1h 20
E 10.30
S 10.40 while being winded - 11.10

And so the day goes on like this until DS is so exhausted that he usually crashes out for hours or is a grumpy OT mess. Today he has had two naps all day, one I extended to 1h 40 by letting him sleep on me and one catnap in the car of 50 mins! we have been out and about a lot and he just wouldn't sleep!

Any ideas? Should I try putting him down even earlier? But then he isn't tired enough to fall asleep so I am fighting a losing battle. Hope someone has some advice. TIA.

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Re: 2 mo and Easy has gone all wrong
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2014, 22:55:46 pm »
Where does he sleep for the naps now? Does it still vary?  Just wondering because at 10 wks mine totally put his foot down and decided he wanted every sleep in his night bed (amby hammock, upstairs, dark quiet room) rather than the travel cot in the family room where I'd planned he would nap until 6 months. He literally would not settle or sleep downstairs and just screamed at me, eventually after a couple days like that I took him to his night bed for a nap and he just smiled and went to sleep.
Following that we were able to have afternoon naps in the car seat when he was older so long as I timed everything right but he only got 40 mins in the car instead of a full nap.

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Re: 2 mo and Easy has gone all wrong
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2014, 00:52:58 am »
How's his E? Is he maybe needing more & waking because he's hungry? Or is he gassy? That sometimes wakes our guy up.

Offline Bex09

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Re: 2 mo and Easy has gone all wrong
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2014, 09:12:44 am »
Thanks for the replies ladies. He is taking all his naps in his cot upstairs now because he stopped settling downstairs with C running around and playing. I use white noise and the room is quite dark. I really think it is a routine issue because our nights are so fab and he resettles no problem. He went from 7.20pm until DF at 11.00pm and then woke up at 7.10am this morning when C came in!! So he has no sleep issues at night.

His eating isn't great TBH as I struggle to get him to take more than 4oz ever. For such a big baby he just isn't really that interested in his milk. For e.g. after taking 3oz at DF, sleeping right through he would only take 2.5oz this morning! But he never wakes crying or wants feeding straight away. He is more than happy to go 3.5 or even 4hrs between feeds. If he ever does a long sleep now (very rare) I have to wake him to eat so I don't think it is hunger waking him. He is quite gassy but tends to wake crying and wriggling if it is that bothering him.

I had a little success yesterday by putting him down much earlier. He still took a while to fall asleep but his overall A time was 1h 5mins and he slept for an hour and 10 mins, still not great but much better. So will try that again today. He is asleep in the car seat now after falling asleep on the nursery run. We have passed the 30 min mark, so just 45 min and 1hr to get through now!

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Re: 2 mo and Easy has gone all wrong
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2014, 09:24:58 am »
Hope your day goes well.