Thanks for posting kaipooi. Its reassuring to know that my lo isnt the only one so sensitive to ot. One nap can throw her off too. She seems to have had one thing after another too. 18 Mo sr, teeth, dev leap, prop and now molars
makes me wonder whats the point having an IS who doesnt sleep?!
Katherine thanks for your thoughts. The thing is i have been consistent since we moved to set times, nap was 12.30 then moved to 1 and bt was set at 7 on a good nap and 6.30 on less than 2 h nap. But she doesnt seem to have adjusted, when the nap is short the a to bt even at 6.30 is too long and i get an ot baby. U pd to be asleep for 6.30 and as shes already ot from short nap and she takes ages to fall asleep, followed by a short night and an ot cycle. The last few days i pd for set nap at 1/1.15 and shes ut cos she woke at 7.15 and she takes till 2.15/30 to fall asleep. I cap nap and do later bt and she is still ot. There seens to be no winning. Guaranteed the above issues havent helped but im not convinced that set times.are working. I dont knw how much more consistent i can be!
As for what i want re consistency is similar wu, nap time and bt which is what i thoight set times would do since it sets the body to sleep at those times. I have nothing of the sort. She wakes up between 5.45-7. i dont wake up cos i was told not to wake if capping nap, set nap is a joke when i tried for 1 cos nap length varies so much (1.25-2.5h) vary rarely 2.5h tho and cos nap is usually 1.5 or less she is ot by the time set bt of 7 comes.round.
The days she has ew and i stick to set bt -15min so 12.45, she is ot by nap time so short naps, then really long am.a and pma a of at least 4 h on a 1.5h nap means shes ot again. Yesterday she should have been ok because the previous two days she had ts of 13.5h ish per day which is what i think she needs but cos i didnt medicate amd she had such a late nap she got ot really quickly. Bottom line is i think shes touchy when it comes to sleep and gets ot that quickly.
I have tried settling ew too but she gets hysterical whereas if i wait for our set wu time of 7 she can sing and chatter happily till then.
Sorry for the rant i just hope someone can see what i may be missing. Up until she was a great sleeper bar teething but meds usually sorted that!