I completely agree with Barbara, indulge the motn cuddles.
I suppose I always take a fairly hard line approach because with R, you give an inch and that girl will take three miles! I learnt the hard way through various regression/sleep developmental shenanigans - at first I'd be oh poor love needs me, to realise (usually when it's too late and u have the some undoing to do) that the poor little love is in fact a little monkey and is playing me!! So hard lines in out house I'm afraid, even though there have been times when I thought I was going to break - you'll recall R at 27m no doubt Aisha when I was truly at the end of my tether!!
So, what is my advice I hear you ask!! Hold firm, be there but watch out for monkey type behaviour and remind your LO that you, but she is in control here (no matter how out of control things feel)
As for the 2/5am - no doesn't sound OT it look from your day that she'd be OT - I think just simply developmental stuff manifesting itself in disturbed sleep. I think for us it was vocab explosion at this age xx