Hi everyone,
It's been a long time since I wrote on the forum... we had a loooong lovely time of peaceful nights. That has changed now... My DS is now almost 3, and has been sleeping in a grobag all his life. A while ago when he had a cold, I put a duvet on him instead as he was exhausted and just crashed on the bed. He really likes the duvet now and for a few nights he has wanted it in his bed. The problem is he is moving around a lot in his sleep, and ends up on top of it. He then cries in frustration as he can't put it back on. He wakes up several times a night crying.
I haven't gone in, just used the sleep phrase and he has eventually gone back to sleep but he is really frustrated, and we had a really EW this morning. He is still wearing a thin grobag ( thought it could be useful in the transition) so I don't think he is cold, he just wants the duvet for comfort.
Has this happened to any of you? How did you handle it? Any success stories out there?