So my DS is just over 8 months old. He has never been a very good napper/sleeper. Around 7 months his daytime naps finally got better (used to be a 30min napper despite what I tried, now can do 1-1.5 hours each, occasionally need a little pat at 45min mark). But now his night wakings are killing me....
DS is on EASY almost since birth. At 8 months our typical days are as follows:
7:30am up breast (both sides)
10:30-11:30 nap
11:30 lunch (solid food)
14:30-16:00 nap
16:00 bottle (5oz)
17:30 dinner (solid food)
19:30 breast (both sides)
20:00 sleep
4:00 night feed (breast, one side)
usually wakes 3-5 times during the night. For example around 9-10, 12-1, 2, 3-4, 6am, everyday is a bit different. I only feed him once at the 3-4am NW, sometimes feed more at the 6am one (just too tired to do shush/pat

). He would fuss a bit and quickly start crying. For 80% of the time, with a little bit shush/pat (less than 5min) he will calm down, fuss a bit more, and send himself to dream. But the other 20% it would take a lot longer.
We don't have a spare room so DS sleeps in our room. His cot is just next to our bed.
This kind of NWs have been on for a while (almost 2 months maybe?). Very occasionally we can get a good night with only one NW around 3-4am for feed.
DH and I both work during the day and we desperately need some decent sleep with longer than 4hours stretch...Any advice would be highly appreciated!!