I have a very touchy 2-month-old baby. He is generally awake 45 minutes into each nap and I can't get him down again, no matter how much shushing, patting, etc. I do. Thankfully, he sleeps well at night. He generally makes about 1.5 hours between waking up and going back down, but because he is so surly, activity time is absolutely no fun.
He can be relatively happy in his bouncy seat looking at things for about 15-20 minutes, and then he starts to get crabby. He does not want to be held, to sit, or to do anything. He just screams. Sometimes, he is happy standing on my lap while I hold him under the arms, but my biceps can only do this for so long. Sitting on my lap or lying over my shoulder does nothing. Looking at anything overstimulates him. So, basically, after about 15 minutes of A-time, I have another 45 minutes of activity time that constitutes of him crying. It's not a happy time.
I end up putting him in his swing with a dummy so he is quiet, and this makes me feel like a neglectful parent. I know that when naps increase, he will be better, but what in the world do you do with a baby who gets overstimulated at the sight of...well... just about anything?
Thank you.