Say it ain't so!!!
So, we've had a LOT of bedtime antics this week, and initially I thought that maybe Ben was UT so I tried pushing his BT back by 30mins, but I am finding it is making no difference. He just does.not. want to go to bed. 1.5hrs of WI/WO last night and I was at my wits end. I finally just stood outside his door, reassuring him, and he was completely hysterical. Then, he finally goes quite, so I go downstairs. About 10mins later I go back up to listen at the door and make sure he's gone to sleep, then I hear his bedroom door flutter. I open it, and he's lying on the floor with his blankie and stuffed dog
When all had gone 'quiet' he had gotten out of his crib, and I had NO clue!!!
No thump on the floor, nothing. He's like a ninja.
2hrs after I started BT, I ended up having to rock him to sleep (what!?) which I haven't done since he was 8 months old!
Today at nap time, same thing. And I couldn't stand outside his door this time because I saw him with my own 2 eyes trying to escape his crib. We did have a friend and her LO here during nap time, so I really don't think that was helping matters, I ended up having to abandon the nap until after they went home, then I had to sit beside his bed and settle him to sleep.
He's only 22 months old, and he is so NOT ready for a BBB...but what else can I do? He's escaped his crib once and tried a second time. I don't even know how to go about this, he is developmentally not ready. I can't understand how I would ever get him to stay in a BBB.
I'm at a loss. Help!