DS is 3.5 textbook/spirited who started to get out of bed (is it still called NW?) around the time 5m DD was born. DS has been a sleep trained baby whispered baby since about a year old and we haven't had any issues until now..not even when we moved and switched him to having his own room. There could be a lot of different factors that play into his sleep disturbance:
- birth of DD
- DH lives and works in a difference city half of the week
- DH was on paternity leave for 6wks so he was home consistently (but is back to work now)
When he first started his NWs, I would just take him back to his room but he got out of bed more frequently and I felt he thought I was entertaining him. We share a room with DD so whenever DS came in, he would wake her more often than she already does! Terribly irritated by this, I started locking our door and talking to DS through his (video) baby monitor whenever he got out of bed..sometimes he whines, cries, and bangs on the door, other times he just goes back into bed.
DS has a clock and he understands and remembers when it is okay to get out of bed, which is from what I understand is the concept of a grow clock. I'm not sure if there is suppose to be consequences...we haven't applied them. He doesn't have a night light but he does have a "magical" flashlight that takes away bad dreams and will help him sleep. We pray and have a very elaborate WD.
I know I'm handling it properly but I'm not sure how to respond to his NWs without disrupting DD sleep as well. Please help me fix it so I'm not abandoning him a night