Well just a quick update, we decided to stop/reduce rocking which is going awful, the funny thing is now she doesn't want to be rocked, which is great however she just can't seem to settle. She would happierly jump around the cot for hours chatting away, i dont know if its the right or wrong thing to do but we have been leaving the room if she stands (she then cries) and then we go back and lay her down and hum next to her cot with a hand on her, if she stands again we repeat, i thought it would help encourage her to at least try and sleep rather than her just finding ways to amuse herself. When she does try she just ends up rolling around and changing possitions every 30 seconds. After an hour of shananigans she usually ends up being sick though, she has reflux and it only takes a little crying to make her sick and its always ALOT. Naps are taking well over an hour to get her to sleep, with an added 15 mins of sick cleaning. BT is taking 2-3 hours to go to sleep, last night it took 45 min to clean 5 big puddles of sick. I feel awful about it all, i did give in and try and rock her just so she wasnt sick again but she just went stiff and cried more. I debated if she is even tired but after a week of 9hr nights she must be. I really dont know what the matter is or how to help.