I know some babies do quiet well and sleep through all night with just a DF but mine included didn't and not all are able to

I actually didn't do the DF as I didn't find it very useful with dd1 and so I never really did it with the others either and so with dd3, I always waited for her to wake naturally (which was a stretch of around 4-6hrs after bedtime), then I'd feed her and she would wake up another 1-2 times (at 4 months). She did manage to sleep straight through here and there but most of the time she would wake sometime around midnight and then another feed towards the morning. Sometimes she would wake 3 times at night and I would feed her (especially at this age, where there is a big growth spurt). Towards 6 months, she was able to either sleep straight through (12hrs) or would wake 1-2 times; by 9 months she was sleeping through more and more and only waking once for a feed and then soon after that she started to sleep straight through. So it was a bit of a slow progress for us but I never really pushed for longer than 4-6 hr stretch as in my opinion that was considered as sleeping through

At 4 months, you can start to transition to 4hr EASY - so awake for 2hrs, eat every 4hrs... although if he's breastfed, he may not be able to last 4hrs in between feeds. We did awake for 2hrs but feed every 3.5hrs until we were around 5 months, when we were able to stretch feeds as well.
I would work on extending daytime sleep - see if you can get him past the 20-40min mark....I think maybe he's in an undertired/overtired loop... so he's awake for long enough to be tired but not long enough to want to sleep more than just one sleep cycle (past 40-45mins). Maybe you could try an extra 10-15mins over a couple of days to see if he will want to sleep longer...
Also I would do an earlier bedtime... I think he's awake for too long before bedtime. Sometime around 3-4 months, babies start to grow out of the 4th nap (the 4-3 nap transition) and with us, it meant adding a little more A before the other naps so that last stretch wasn't so long (which goes hand in hand with what I mentioned before about transitioning to 4hr EASY). Try working on a 12hr day and you might find he'll sleep better at night, especially towards the end of his night sleep/early morning sleep, where he's up every hour to two hours. So in your case, if he's awake from his last nap at 4.30pm, I would personally do bedtime at 6.30pm.
Be careful with using the paci too much... it might end up being a prop and he doesn't need to suck on it to self settle.... with shh/pat, he will find a way to calm himself. But if you don't see if being an issue and he spits it out and doesn't need it to get back to sleep, then it should be ok!
Let me know how you go