well it havent really changed except now im trying to implementing your suggestions about the early wake- so we ssh and pat at 5:30 and he somehow manage to pul it till 7 - 7:30. but the nights are continue to be horrible. he wakes at 10,1,3,5. from 5-7 he wakes every 10 min. so we doing sshh and pat all the time. also at 1 when he wakes up we doing the ssh and pat about 45 min.
i was thinking - if we starting to do the pu/pd at night, will it maybe change his wakings? at th e evenings and some of the naps i do sss and pat for 5 min and leave him to fall asleep on his own. also i understood that u cant do PU/PD when the baby is happy and bubbling to him self in th e middle of the night, right? he can be like that for 40 min , not sleeping. so should i change the ssh and patt to PU/PD although at the evenings he falls asleep almost by himself ? and some naps too.
i tryied implementing PU/PD at one short nap today- always 30 min nap in the morning, tried for 40 min he cried non stop and then it was time to feed so we stopped. so i didnt see it working.
thank you