I'm back again 😔. DD is almost 18months and for a while things were good (at least most the time). Now things are pretty bad. When DD is happy she is one if the most smiliest, giggliest little girls in the world, but it seems because of that when she is un happy, which is becoming more often than not, she is one if the loudest shoutiest cryiest little girls in the world. Tantrums are like an hour apart if that most days, she clings to me when I get home from work and will not be put down at all. BT's have now become a cry fest and even waking shortly after to cry some more. Nothing I do except hold her will comfort her and even that doesn't always work.
I just really don't know how to handle it for the best. I want to comfort but not create rods for my back (IYSWIM). She is so much worse than DS was so I have no idea how to handle it without making worse? I'm looking for any support and advice you wonderful ladies can offer because I'm so lost right now😢