Today she woke up at 5am and would not go back to sleep. She went down for a nap at 10:15am and woke up at 11:20am and would not go back to sleep. Tried another nap at 3:30pm but she would not settle down. Going to try for a 7pm BT, which will give her almost 8 hours since her nap. Now that we are putting her to bed earlier than normal, I am hoping she doesn't wake up earlier as well.
Because of her sleep issues, she almost always has puffiness under her eyes, and people are always saying she looks tired. She used to be a happy baby and we could put her down to sleep fairly easily, but the past few months have been increasingly more difficult. It is harder to get her to sleep, to stay asleep, and also she cries a lot during the day if she doesn't get her way, she was not like that before.
Any help is appreciated.