Author Topic: 16 month old wakes every night, only goes back to sleep if mommy lays with her  (Read 849 times)

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Offline Gabi1023

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We were doing so well on the sleep training, she was almost an independent sleeper, but during travels and also illness, she regressed and we have let it continue for too long.  She is not an independent sleeper now, and she wakes every night and will only go back to sleep after extended carrying around or if she lies down with mommy.  As soon as mommy moves to put her in the crib, she wakes up and starts clinging to mom and cries.  We are trying to get her back on track by placing her in her crib and leaving the room.  We will leave her there until it sounds like she is crying out of desperation, or as soon as it sounds like she is really upset.  We try to let her settle herself, but we are having no luck getting her back to independent sleep and being able to re-settle herself at night.  Any help?? 


Offline *Becky*

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Could you post your routine so we can take a look.
Any teething or changes to routine atm?

Henry James and Martha Rose - my spirited pair!

Offline Gabi1023

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Her routine basically looks like this:

7am WAKE
730am Breakfast
1030am Snack
2:30/3pm WAKE
3pm Lunch
6pm Dinner
7pm Bedtime routine (bath, milk, story)
8pm Bedtime

As far as changes to routine, the only changes are by LO's own doing.  She is teething and almost has all of her teeth already, which we have been giving infant Tylenol at bedtime when she has been teething. 


Offline Gabi1023

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Today she woke up at 5am and would not go back to sleep.  She went down for a nap at 10:15am and woke up at 11:20am and would not go back to sleep.  Tried another nap at 3:30pm but she would not settle down.  Going to try for a 7pm BT, which will give her almost 8 hours since her nap.  Now that we are putting her to bed earlier than normal, I am hoping she doesn't wake up earlier as well. 

Because of her sleep issues, she almost always has puffiness under her eyes, and people are always saying she looks tired.  She used to be a happy baby and we could put her down to sleep fairly easily, but the past few months have been increasingly more difficult.  It is harder to get her to sleep, to stay asleep, and also she cries a lot during the day if she doesn't get her way, she was not like that before. 

Any help is appreciated.

Offline *Becky*

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It really sounds like teeth to me. Have you tried giving her meds around 2/3am almost like a dream feed? That is what some mums do.
We always had EWings with teeth.

Re the routine - it looks good and tbh I would try and keep to fairly set times if you can so that she does not end up with a really long afternoon. What do you think?

Henry James and Martha Rose - my spirited pair!