Author Topic: Pens and caps  (Read 1752 times)

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Offline BeeAnn

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Pens and caps
« on: March 10, 2014, 15:01:08 pm »
My DD (15 months old) loves playing with things where she can try to fit something back inside something else e.g. pens and pen caps, the medicine syringes you get where she pulls out the plunger and tries to put it back in.  It keeps her occupied for ages but they do a worry me a little because they are potentially dangerous if she were to fall on them when walking around / put them in her mouth etc.  Particularly the pens!! 

Just wondered whether anyone knew of any toys that do a similar thing, or if anyone has any ideas of how to make something safe?!

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Re: Pens and caps
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2014, 15:09:37 pm »
Would stacking cups fill the same need?

Or we had these which can be put inside each other
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Offline BeeAnn

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Re: Pens and caps
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2014, 18:47:11 pm »
She does have some stacking cups but they don't seem to hold her attention in the same way.  I don't know if it is because it is more tricky with something small!

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Re: Pens and caps
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2014, 19:16:14 pm »
Maybe she'd like some wooden puzzles?

- empty match boxes
- posting drinking straws or pipe cleaners into a small hole in a cardboard box
- posting thin drinking straws through larger/fatter drinking straws (very fine motor like with the pen tops)
- threading cotton reels (I began this with a drinking straw rather than the string that came with the cotton reels as the string was a strangle hazard for a younger toddler and also too difficult, the straws worked great, I also used an egg box to 'stab' with the drinking straw so it was semi-held in place then the reels can go on top. Drinking straws are not as dangerous as they are softer and collapse when fallen on, although if it gets her eye then same hazard as falling on anything really, it's not going to be nice, some how babies have an amazing ability to get their eyes out the way when they fall!). There are some lovely wooden threading toys too, I just chose cotton reels because they are really adaptable for many ages and games.
- if it's the 'click' of the pen lid going into place that she likes maybe you can find some stubby highlighters that are not quite as dangerous as a proper pen is? Don't know, maybe something like this but you'd need to check out the safety aspect for yourself (you could remove the fibre tip and ink cartridge if she's an eater/sucker?)

That's all I can think of for now but maybe these ideas will trigger some more ideas from others. Lovely to have an inquisitive little toddler isn't it :)

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Re: Pens and caps
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2014, 19:38:30 pm »
Thanks creations - they are fantastic ideas!  Will be shopping for some supplies this weekend I think!!