Author Topic: HELP!! 9m now and never sttn  (Read 1524 times)

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Offline Jalpa83

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HELP!! 9m now and never sttn
« on: March 12, 2014, 11:56:50 am »
Hi, it's me again! My problems still haven't got any better, in fact this last week had been exhausting!
So my DS who was 9m yday has never sttn, the most he has ever done is 4hrs and that's if I'm lucky!
I just don't know what I am doing wrong!
His day time routin is pretty good, and bed time routine works well,
Please any help would be greatful!

This is his day +/_ 30 mins

Wake up: 7.30 milk 5oz
8.30- cereal
10.30- nap for 90 mins
12 offer milk, but generally refuses it some times drink 3oz
12.30 lunch
3.00 nap can vary generally 90 mins but sometimes 45 mins
4.30 offer milks, sometimes has 3 0z other times refuses completely
5.30 dinner
6.30 start massage and bath routine
7.30 milk, usually has 5-6 oz but sometimes may only have 3oz and I keep on offering but no luck

Then he usually settles in his cot without a dummy, but last few days has not settled without a dummy (which is unusual)

So the days are not bad but the nights are hard,
DS wakes up sometimes 30 mins after or sometimes 2hrs after crying but generally upset so settles back as soon as given dummy!
Wakes at 11.30 give him milk and generally drinks 4-5oz and goes straight back to sleep.
The problems starts after this at roughly 2.30-3 he's awake( wide awake) grabbing anything in sight, playing with his dummy and making loud noises, this can last up to 2 hrs, and is really difficult on us, we sometimes have better nights where he goes to sleep straight away, but those days are no different.
Offering milk doesn't seem to work as he doesn't drink more then 2oz, yday I didn't offer milk just water, and eventually he went to sleep at 3.30, but then he's awake again 2 hrs after sometimes settles with dummy, or have to offer milk.

Some nights are a blur as in not sure what is going on.

Any suggestions?

Offline Sarah - Enfys' Mum

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Re: HELP!! 9m now and never sttn
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2014, 14:18:33 pm »
Are his nights any better on the days he's had a short afternoon nap?  Because long happy nw's say under tired to me.

Also is he able to put the dummy in himself?  Do you think the dummy is a problem?

Offline Mom-of-boys

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Re: HELP!! 9m now and never sttn
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2014, 18:44:04 pm »
I don't have too much advice for you, but hugs.  Our DS1 never sttn (meaning bt - 5 am) without waking until he was about a year old.  He also used a paci which we had to replug for him until he could do it off himself but I'm not sure if the paci was the problem or if it was something else (developmental, teething, SA, etc).

Offline Jalpa83

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Re: HELP!! 9m now and never sttn
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2014, 20:19:56 pm »
Yes he can put the dummy back on by himself, and I'm not sure if the dummy is te problem as 70% of the time e goes sleep without the dummy.

I will see how he goes with a shorter last nap! The problem I had before was to keep a long enough A time, but think as he is getting older he is managing to say up for bit longer.

Offline Sarah - Enfys' Mum

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Re: HELP!! 9m now and never sttn
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2014, 08:59:41 am »
Good luck