Hi *Becky*
Well it has been about 8 days since I last breastfed DS, however the beginning of ST was going good because I think he was overtired he would just knock out. Now that I am easing him back into a routine of
WU 8am
Nap 1pm
WU 2:30
Bedtime routine starts around 8pm (diaper, pjs, milk, books, bed)
BT 8:30pm (but after all the fussing and whining he falls asleep at 9pm)
I am finding it harder for him to fall asleep alone. We have 3 props he is using, he sips his sippy cup with milk. Fidgets, while I sing a lullaby to him. After 30min of that if he doesnt fall asleep I rub his back.
The night before I wrote this post it was day 3 of NW that lasted 2hours long. That night he didnt have a long NW he had 4 NW that he settled back with a lullaby. The night after that (last night) he had another NW where he was screaming and couldn't settle back, this was from 2am-4:45am. He was up for 2.45min (45min to get him to go back to sleep with singing and rubbing of the back).
The thing I did differently which I might try again tonight is giving him Advil right before bed (the night I did that he had 4 small NW).
I think he might be teething but I can't be sure if he is just showing signs of weaning. He has some drooling, often times bites his finger, fist, random objects.
What I am really confused about is, how to make the NW less and less. How do I GW out of his room? I am sleeping on a mattress in the bedroom that he knows I am there because when he wakes up I'm there. *sigh* Just too much going on.