Just saw your post... big big big hugs to you! I only have one but I'm an older mommy, live out in the middle of nowhere with no help. Went from a busy career woman to a stay at home mom and slipped into ugly PPA/PPD. Our little guy is adopted so I did not have BF issues to deal with in taking meds. But he has had donor breastmilk from day one.
My little guy is 9 months today and goes through great independent times and then is very clingy. I bought the wonder week app which was helpful too. Our winter has nearly cancelled out spring in Indiana!
But, getting out as much as possible was key for me. We live an hour from anywhere close so timing things right for naps (although only CN) in the car was critical. I haven't taken the quiz yet but our little guy is stuck to a solid routine as well. Problem is that once I feel I can breath about his routine, he changes it up the next week! I just keep remembering that one day soon, he won't want to cuddle or snuggle and then one day I'll be the stupid mom
and then one day he's off to school and college and then one day he'll be taking care of me... and I'm reminded how fast this time with our little ones really does fly although it only creeps when you're in the middle of it.
Again, I only have one LO. Kuddos to all you moms who have more... I'm not sure that would be doable here! But wanted to send encouragement just the same!