My DD#2 is 9.5 months old. She is capable of sleeping through the night, and has done it many times over the last 3 months, but nothing at all consistent. At most, she'll put together 2 nights of STTN, and that's it. It seems like something always seems to come up and throw her off - rolling over and getting her leg stuck, teething, illness, etc.
About 3 weeks ago she had a terrible stomach bug and was awfully sick and eating like a bird for a week. The following week she was eating tons and waking 1x at night (around 4/4:30am) to gulp down a huge amount of milk. This last week, she slept through one night, but has been waking 1-2x the other nights. And strangely, she's been waking around 1/1:45am. I wait until her cry escalates (usally about 5 mins of fussing, then it escalates) and then I go in. 9 times out of 10, she refuses to go down with a little reassurance and patting. It's like seeing us makes her fuss more (she throws her blankie, kicks her legs into the mattress), and then if we leave she screams. When this happens, I usually will take her and hold her for a few minutes to settle her down, and try to put her back in the crib (awake). If that doesn't work, I'll usually go nurse her. Most of the time, she is taking a full feed, or a nearly full feed, and then going immediately to sleep in her crib.
I'm wondering if we've gotten into a habit of nursing at night, and so she wakes because she's expecting to be fed. I'm confused though, because she's waking around 1/1:30am to eat (often earlier!) which is only 3 hours after her dream feed! Is it possible that she actually needs the breastmilk in the MOTN, even at 9 months old??
Other stats - breastfed, started solids at 5.5 mos, great daytime sleeper, independent sleeper, uses a paci to fall asleep but she can replug it herself or sleep without it. She's a fairly big girl (tall and sorta plump) and goes through about 40-45 oz of milk a day, plus 3 meals. She has 2 teeth.
What I've tried:
I don't think it's discomfort or teething that is causing her to wake - I can usually tell the difference with the stark cry.
Also, I went through a period about 5-6 weeks ago where I really reduced her solids at dinner and increased her milk, in an attempt to get more calories in her during the day and see if she'd STTN. It appeared to make no difference

Here's a typical day:
E - 730am
E - 830, breakfast, solids
S 9:30-11:30
E - 1145
E - 1pm, lunch solids and breastmilk in a bottle
S - 2:30-4/430
E - 4/430
E - 6pm - dinner, solids and breastmilk in a bottle
A - bath
E - 7:15/7:30 - nurse her
S - 7:30/7:45 bedtime
DF - 10pm (8-10oz!)
Thanks in advance for any help!!! Love BW - you've always been full of great advice.