I'm new to bottle feeding... DS never took one, and DD is finally willing to take one. I'd like to wean her NF and I think if I give her a bottle instead of BFing, it might make things easier because it will discourage any comfort nursing, and I will be able to slowly decrease the amount she's getting.
My question, being new to bottle feeding, is how on earth do you heat a bottle in the middle of the night? When DD wakes for a NF, if I don't get to her fairly quickly, she screams the house down and wakes her brother. If I'm going to give her a bottle of EBM, I'll have to go to the kitchen, boil water, heat the bottle in the water... seems like it would take way too long! I know you're not supposed to heat them in the microwave because of potential hot spots, but can't I just swirl the milk around to make sure the temperature is uniform?
One more question, she seems to like the bottle I have for her, so that's great but I did notice that it's a low flow teat. She's 7 months - should I buy a faster flow teat? I want her to have to "work" at the bottle a bit, so that it's more like BFing. She seems happy enough with the flow, but since I'm new at this, I wondered...