Right, I'm beginning to think I am the cause for my son not sttn at nearly 2 yrs old-basically I'm way too soft and hate hearing him distressed at night. I'm not like this in the day and can be quite firm with May boundaries but at night I turn into a complete sap!! I think I read too much about the damage of controlled crying and connection between a loving mum ands son and how if that isn't achieved by Bligh blah date your e set them up for a life of thearpy.
Anyway, I think we have that challenge, plus the NWs and plus a dummy bunny. I gave no idea where to start.
The NWs could be 2 in a night , one around 10pm and another around 1am. Settling is normally guiding him back to lying down, dummy in and walk out, silent. My husband has a 100% success rate but with me my son goes into a crazy spin sometimes asking for milk (cos I did that once about 2 wks ago) or just crying out for me. I don't think it's SA, I think he knows I'm a soft touch.
Do I just need to grow some balls and get tough and firm with his NWs and do wiwo?
Should I leave the dummy till after or whilst sleep is so bad throw it in there?!?
Thanks for reading xxx