Hi, mommies!
First of all I would like to thank you for all your help and support for me previous time, and for all exhausted parents that you help. It's a real blessing for all of us!
Our DS is 14 m/o now. Since 12 months we were having really hard time during 2-1 transition. After TTN or 1NW since 10 m/o it was very hard for all of us. Now I think he's ready for 5-5.5 hours of A time and refuses 2nd nap permanently. Also he always wakes up cranky after we wake him up from his 2nd nap, so we've decided to quit this torture for all of us and quit 2nd nap and late bedtime as a result of this nap. Instead of this we started very early bedtime. And now it's the 5th day of 1 nap. I don't think that DS has become overtired, because he naps well, usually he's very calm and alert during his play time. But we're very confused of his night sleep.
A week ago DS was teething. He could wake up at 1 AM and not fall asleep until 3 AM. It was terrible! He cried a lot and couldn't stop even if we hold him, hug and put in our bed. I even breastfed him (I stopped night feedings when he was 9 m/o), but it didn't help. The next time he also woke up at this time, but didn't cry. He got up on his legs and when we put him back, he got up again. I thought about habitual waking and tried to soothe him, didn't give breast or water. It looks like it helped, and he quit his "standing time" during the night. But yesterday it started again! After we did 2-1 transition, his sleep started improving, he felt asleep easier, he has less NWs and even STTN! But yesterday after bedtime at 18-30 he woke up at 22-30, 00, and had "standing time" from 1 to 3! He didn't cry, just fuss and called "mama".
What should we do? The problem is that DS never felt asleep on his own. Before naps we sat near his crib holding him or just lying nearby. And usually it took 2-5 minutes before he falls asleep easily. Before the night sleep I BF him and then put him in his crib, or DH just sits with DS. He also falls asleep easily and usually never wakes up more than 1 time (and even STTN at 10-12 m/o). Because of his easy falling asleep and perfect nights we decided that it is OK, when we help him a little. DS has been on EASY since 2 m/o. We always watched his cues and had a stable wind-down ritual. I think all of this worked, but now it doesn't help during the night...
I know that for our age PU/PD doesn't work and it's better to use WI/WO. But what should we do if DS doesn't cry? Does it mean that he's undertired and needs less sleep or later bedtime? If we need to wait until he cries, it will take hours of non-sleeping for all of us... And DS will sleep much less during the night. It's so confusing, because the night before he STTN, and yesterday didn't sleep for 2 hours.
Our routine:
5-30/6-00 WU
11-00 - 12-30/13-00 Nap
18-30 Night sleep
(Next week we'll have the change of time and 5-30 will be 6-30).
Please help us! Would appreciate any suggestion!