I'm back again. I had gotten some advice before and things were going better, but my son has started night waking again. Here is all the info
How old is your child? 7.5 months
What’s his/her daily routine?
Both my husband and I work full time so he spend the day with husband's aunt and cousin. The schedule is something like this, but they don't always follow it
6-6:30 wake up
7am 8oz formula
8: breakfast (protein veggies fruit)
9am sleep (between 1-2 hours it really varies)
11: bottle 8 ounces (if he doesn't finish bottle he gets some formula to drink while eating lunch)
12: lunch (protein and veggies)
1: Nap sometimes earlier at 12:30 Also 1-2 hours depending on how first nap went and how earlier he woke up in the morning
3: 8oz formula
5: sometimes short nap
6: dinner
6:30 or 7 bottle and sleep routine (depends on if he got third nap)
12am o 1am (night feeding, but I don't think he's really hungry offered 4oz only take 2 sometimes)
3am or 4am sometimes feeding, but sometimes he's just up no crying but won't go back to sleep
What’s nap routine? This is one issue.. sing to him and then pat back and he takes pacifier, but lately the babysitter says she can't get him to sleep unless she rocks him but outside of the helping him fall asleep he is a pretty good napper at home. If we are somewhere else it is harder to get him to sleep.
How long are naps? 1-2.5 hours it really depends on how long first nap was.
What's bedtime routine? Time? Starts at 6:30 or 7 depending on third nap.. bottle, books, songs and then I used to be able to put him down and he fell right asleep. Some nights I can pat his back, some nights now it escalates to screaming and I have to give him the pacifier. The other night I put him down and he rolled over and it looked like he went right to sleep. 10 minutes later heard noises and he was playing in his crib. He played for 10 minutes and then started screaming. He seemed so exhausted. I lied him down and patted his back and he was out in a few minute.s
Do you bottle or breastfed?? Just weaned due to business travel, so he nurses once around 4-5am otherwise it's all bottles.
How much? or how long? 8oz per feed x 4 plus sometimes 4oz in the middle of the night (note i'm not home during the day so not sure if he finishes all 8oz bottle or not)
How many wakes per night? Some nights he makes it all the way to 12am or 1am...last night he woke at 9pm and then 12am. After 1am it's every hour util 3 or 4 and then after that I can't get him to go back to sleep. Sometime I bring him in the bed at 4am because I need to sleep because of work, but that is not even helping anymore.
What’s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up? Sometimes he just needs a back pat or if he didn't start off night with pacifier I can give him that and he goes right to sleep. He sleep in our room so I know he can resettle himself because I hear do it several times a night. After 3-4am I try to pat him back to sleep and it seems like something bothering him. I check diaper, room temp and then I pat his back, he mantra cries while I pat his back and then it starts to escalate and he starts to cry/scream and he won't go back to sleep and the he is just wide awake and wants to play. He is then up from 4-am to 5am and then after 5 we can sometimes get him to go back to sleep but only if we put him in the bed with us. If we put him in the crib he either scream or plays.
When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Or is it a mantra cry? Crying...he's often sitting up or in crawling position crying. Like he can't get back to sleep but wants to.
What have you tried to settle?? back pats and pacifier, shushing noise
What do you do for A time and how long is it? 21/2 to 3 hours... crawling and playing most of the time, likes to walk around with you holding hands, very active
Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones? just started crawling and pulling up to standing at 7 months, can't sit still... Got two teeth at 7 months
Do they have a prop? If so what is it? Pacifier, but does't always need it. I think it might have something to do with teething...Can back pats be a prop? If so he often can't settle now with out them
Do they have a lovie? He has one in the crib that I tried to introduce, but he doesn't seem too interested.
Looking through this it seems like there is a lot going... I'm just not sure where to start and what issue to tackle first. I'm only home for one week before I travel again. I want to try to fix somethings in the next week and then live clear instructions for my husband and babysitter while I'm gone. I also think he doesn't needs two night feeds anymore but we are giving them to him because we don't know what else to do.