Looking for ideas on how to get our 6 month old DD to sleep for longer stretches during the night. She is breastfed and goes to sleep on her own, but is waking frequently. I don't believe she is hungry every time so I don't feed her every time. I think this is adding to the problem though - I think DD is wondering why I sometimes BF and sometimes don't! Typical day:
6:30am- BF & some solids (just started)
7:00-8:30, Awake,
8:30-10:00, Sleep (story, given pacifier, put in crib awake)
10:00-10:15, BF
10:15-12:00, Awake
12:00-1:30, Sleep
1:30-2:00, BF & solids
2:00-3:30, Awake
3:30-4:30, Sleep (sometimes in stroller/car seat if we're out)
4:30-4:45, BF
4:45-5:30, Awake (gentle play)
5:30, BF (trying to get extra in)
6:00pm, Bedtime routine starts (bath, massage, pjs, BF, story, cuddle, down in crib no pacifier)
7:00pm, Sleep
Our days run pretty smoothly and we find DD goes to sleep within 15 minutes of being placed in her crib. Then it all falls apart a bit at night...
DD then wakes up around 9-9:30pm. I usually BF at this time because she tends to be hungry. This would be fine if she went to sleep again and only got up when hungry. She can comfortably go 4-5 hours at night before getting hungry, but wakes after 2 hours (sometimes 1 hour!) We can have up to 6 wakings per night. She cries, we wait to hear if she's actually awake. If not, we put a hand on her chest and she usually goes back to sleep. If awake, she cries until picked up. If I pick her up, she is comforted for a few secs then cries harder until BF. I'm hesitant to BF every time she wakes because I don't want her to eat regularly at night, plus when I've caved in the past and BF, she just sucked for a few secs then tried to sleep at the breast. When DH picks her up she cries and cries for me. DH has had some success recently by not picking her up and sitting with a hand on her chest 'till DD falls asleep. This doesn't work for me though - she gets too stimulated when she knows it's me and cries more. We've tried leaving her in her crib and just patting/shushing. We've tried PU/PD. Both seemed to be failures because the crying just escalated, DD was awake for long periods, OT every day for about a week and we really hated to have her CIO. Our paediatrician suggested DH offer her some water when waking at a non BF time. We haven't tried this yet because DD won't take a bottle at the moment. So right now we are being inconsistent with how we deal with NW. DH comforts DD in her crib, I try to PU/PD with little success (DD expects BF), I sometimes just give DD her pacifier. We'd be fine with pacifier if DD would keep it in/able to locate it herself. She can get it in her mouth, but then pulls it out and cries. On top of this DD is still being swaddled. She goes to sleep at night with arms out, but we end up putting arms back in because on NW DDs arms flail around and she pulls at her face and ears (this keeps her awake). We feel like we've tried everything! No sign of teeth yet, but could be teething? SA? All suggestions welcome! Fresh perspective and all that....