Author Topic: 4months old wake erratic (not hunger)  (Read 1553 times)

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Offline Linhi

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4months old wake erratic (not hunger)
« on: March 23, 2014, 16:48:36 pm »
Hi, my DD used to sleep through the night. After trans from 3 to 4hrs, she wake around 5am for 3 days and then now it becomes eratic which i dont think because of hungry (her morning feed normal lower than other other feed). We dont swaddle her as it makes her sweaty and summer is coming but we have to lay our pillow over her when she goes to deep sleep. Her legs keep raise up & hands scratching face. Sometimes that makes she wake up, as i watched.

And the df is going to harder each day, she not wake up but eyes close and scream when we try to feed (take only half of normal). If we drop it, will she wake more at night? Total of day only around 750ml. DD is 4months & 6,5kg now

8am wake up /feed. Once day it was 7am.
9-9:30 s
11:15-11:30 wake up
12:00 e
15:15 or 15:30 a
16:00 e
17:15-18:00 cat nap (30-45')
19:15 massage/bathtime
19:45-20:00 e/s
23:00 df

Offline Skadiver13

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Re: 4months old wake erratic (not hunger)
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2014, 17:00:50 pm »
We dont swaddle her as it makes her sweaty and summer is coming but we have to lay our pillow over her when she goes to deep sleep.

Hi hun can you clarify this? As I understand it having anything in the crib at this age is a SIDS issue. When she wakes up at 5am are you feeding her back to sleep or are you just resettling her? If she's only up from 8 to 9 in the AM I would think that's not enough A time for a 4month old?

Is she taking a full feed at BT and then at her DF? Does she wake during the night at all to feed? She could be going through a GS so she's not hungry necessarily for the DF (which she shouldn't wake for anyway) but is hungry in the middle of the night due to the GS. That's not uncommon at all.
My dreamed for Angel Baby DD (other than dreaded 40min naps) Born 4/30/16
Reflux, MSPI, Love my Spirited,textbook little munchkin DS Born 5/17/2012


Offline Linhi

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Re: 4months old wake erratic (not hunger)
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2014, 15:31:45 pm »
Hi, thanks for your reply. it's been more than a week, so i dont think it's gs.  I once try to keep dd a time longer after morning feed but we both exhausted. Normally i let her play alone until she fuss, and want to sleep. Usually wake time after morning feed will be 90'. Total awake time about 7h30

In Việt Nam, we dont swaddle but we have pillow as the attachment below to keep bb hands not moving but it not usually work as she get stronger each day, so she can push it out. Can we have another option?

Yes, Dd always takes full feed at bt and if she wakes at night, we will give her paci her, she normally back to sleep easily. That's why i dont think she is hungry as Tracy said in the book.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 05:09:00 am by Linhi »