As is pretty typical, I imagine, my LO tends to nap best in his crib at home. When traveling, he has done pretty well when we've gotten a suite where we can put him down and leave the room. The last time that we got a regular hotel room his naps were TERRIBLE and by the third day he was totally exhausted and getting pretty impatient/cranky. That was early last fall.
When on vacation, I like to keep to his schedule every other day, more or less. (Roughly this: 7 am WU, 7-8:30 eat and get ready, 12-1:30 pm nap, 1:30-2, 7:30 pm bedtime) That means that on day 1 we may do something that takes a little longer and he won't nap till 1 pm or so, but then on day 2 we make sure that he is in his crib by noon. Day 3 we push things a little again, but day 4 we go back to the schedule. Etc. This means that we have, at most, 4.5 hours to do stuff (including travel time).
DH and I want to take LO (now 15 months) to a national park this summer. We were thinking of staying there around 1 week. To allow us to minimize driving time and therefore maximize our time doing stuff, we want to stay in the park itself. I am having a VERY hard time finding any two room accommodations within the parks that are reasonably priced. (I could manage to budget $200 or so a night, especially since activities tend to be free in the park, but we can't swing $500!)
I'd love your thoughts / input / suggestions. Thanks!
Oh, BTW, here are the parks we're considering right now in case you're curious.
Olympic National Park, Washington
Lassen Volcanic National Park, Mineral, CA
Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, CO (probably not 1st choice b/c flood damage)
Mount Rainier National Park, Ashford, WA
Mesa Verde National Park, Mesa Verde, CO
Yosemite National Park, Yosemite, CA
Yellowstone: Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho
Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts