T has hit the 18 mth SR hard. We have teeth coming and he has been sick. He has a bout of SA and alis has plus developmental stuff has lead to him just not settling at BT and wanting us to hold him till he pretty much passes out from exhaustion
This was his routine
WU 6.30-7.15 usually 6.45-7
Nap 12.30-2.30
BT 7.30 sometimes earlier sometimes a little later.
He has been showing signs of needing a routine shake up for a while. Not settling at BT, shorter nap, earlier WU.
Now, it's turned to custard. He was napping ok, but BT battles were hours. Yesterday and today were the worst. Hence posting here.
WU 7
Nap 12.45-2.45
BT 9
(attempted 7.30)
WU 7.30
Nap 12.30-1.55 (woke crying. OT/Ut prob both ugh)
BT 7.30 but crying still at 7.51
What do you think? Push the nap? Wi/WO?