I posted this in the weaning section but not sure if I'll get a better look here. Not sure if it should be in bottlefeeding or breast as it's a bit of a combo. DD is predominantly breastfed. We have always done a few bottles (of pumped milk) every week since 4 months (when she decided to accept a bottle), and since my pumped supply is out we now do some formula when needed, until very recently!!!
My DD is 9.5months. I am likely returning to work part time when she turns 11months so I am looking to wean her off daytime breastfeeds (2) onto a bottle of formula for each feed. She has an unconfirmed milk protein allergy so I cannot go to cows milk yet. She used to take a bottle like a champion whenever we needed or felt like letting daddy or visitors have a go with feeding, up until 2 months ago it was always expressed milk but as my stored up supply ran out we started introducing formula. It's hypoallergenic so it took quite a few days of mixing the two but we got to a point that she would take it happily. 4 days ago I gave her a bottle of formula after her pm nap, no problems. I decided then, that I would start doing this daily to start eliminating that breastfeed and once my boobs adjusted I would do feed after the a.m. nap, thinking we have a big luxury of time at this point. The next day, she outright refused the bottle and has ever since. Over the weekend I tried getting dad to give her the bottle while I was out in the garden, not a chance!! It was like she heard my thoughts and is revolting against me! She remains super cranky and crying lots until she gets the breast.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be going on? How to go back to good bottle taking? Could it be a bigger problem? I have tried sippy cups to because she drinks out of that during the day. She loves Almond milk so I have tried blending the formula with that in her sippy cup. She will take a tiny bit but not very interested. I would like to tackle this now so I have plenty of time to get both my boobs and her adjusted to the bottle before going back to work. I am looking to continue with the morning wake up and before bedtime breastfeeds for awhile as I'm not 100% ready to give it up. She is showing signs of weaning herself off the bedtime one anyways, sometimes she doesn't really take any, but the morning we both seem to really enjoy.