I have the same problem. She wakes up soooo many times a night we are going crazy.
At least these two days she takes good naps. Well, yesterday I had to pick her up then calm her down for 30min and then put her back to finish her nap. Today I just had to give her the paci a few times when she started crying.
I was thinking, maybe she is not feeding well during the day because she eats at night? She has at least one full feed and then 2-3 oz on the next one, plus crying in between and sometimes maybe one small feed 1,5oz. I feed her to calm her at night because nothing else is working, cant do pu/pd cant do pat/shsss and the paci (which I stated to hate, I think it might have become a prop) doesnt work always, she sometimes cries with the paci in her mouth
I read here about diluting at night feeds. Decreasing the number of scoops of formula in the same amount of water. This is supposed to make her more hungry during the day and eat more. She is 3m 2w old. Should a give it a go?