Withthe click change you need to push the nap later and potentially BT just for a few days to get your LO into the swing of things. That said, of you're tryin to manage OT you may have to adjust BT accordingly anyway.
Re: the ew. I Do think you risk becoming a prop and where he may SS won't because he knows mummy will come and give him cuddles. I had a similar thing but on the middle of the night. At first i really thought that there was something working with R as she'd never 'needed me ' in that way. She I finally cottoned on ton the fact I was being played (when she started the mummy I need you to stay routine, screaming like a banshee if I left at bt) I knew I had to get tough and take control. Achieved with a firm approach, consitency re: her routine (even if she was not co-operating) and WiWO
Hth x