I know this must be a common topic but was having trouble searching so am creating a new thread in hopes of getting advice from some of the veterans out there.
My little girl (4.5mo) is classic textbook and seems to respond to the EASY program but we are having a recent problem in that she wakes at 5 am every day. recently she isnt even really hungry but she is howling from her crib and requires the bottle for one or two draws until she settles and falls back asleep. She is a decent napper and fall asleep on her own typically, happy in her crib except when she is hungry (hungry = howling).
Other things to note, we are still using the 3 hr EASY since baby girl was/is small (10%) but are thinking of trying to transition soon. I have some concerns about her not getting enough to eat and then doing another hungry-night wake since we used to get up at 2, 3 or 4 every night before we institute the dream feed. but i will cross this bridge when i get there... I also read about how to increase amount of a given feed and switched to the #2 teat which worked well. Switching to #3 seems to cause a big does of spit up so we're sticking with #2 for now. Any other tips on increasing amount in a feed would be helpful!
Here's our EASY:
A 5:00 wake up (not really hungry, goes back to sleep somewhat easily)
E 6:30 wake up, 4 - 5 oz
A play, chat, bumbo, help mommy get ready for work etc
S 7:30 sleep
A 8:30 wake up & play
E 9:45 5 oz
A playtime
S 10:30 (naps start about 2 - 2.5 hr after waking)
A 12:00 (naps last 1 hr - 2 hr)
E 1:00 5 oz
A play time!
S 2:30
A 3:30
E 4:00 5 oz
A play time!
E 6:30 4 oz (we do this interim feed otherwise we dont get through our bedtime routine)
A play time!
S 7:00 (cat nap)
A 8:30 bath & bedtime routine
E 9:00 4 - 5 oz
S 9:15
E 11:00 dreamfeed