Now, he does EASAS.
That's the point really, with a baby under 4 months you really can't do EASY, it has to be something else. If you think your baby needs 4 hour feeds at this age then it's fine to do BUT they are then having less calories during the day which they may well need to make up during the night and EASY in that order just doesn't work properly.
The whole point of the age and developmentally appropriate 3 hour EASY is to help get the calories during the day rather than the night, to make sure that Eat is separate from Sleep so you don't get an eat to sleep prop and to make the day predictable. If A times are too short or too long it has a negative impact on naps which has a negative impact on night sleep. 45 mins is one sleep cycle which isn't a restorative nap.
If you want to follow Tracy's EASY pattern then it's best to *try* and stick to the 3 hour EASY until about 4 months when they are better able to stay awake for 2 hours and take more milk to last 4 hours between feeds as they will be dropping a day feed and need to make up the calories somewhere. If you want to follow your own routine then that's fine too!
I have a good friend who is a Ward Sister in a NICU/ SCBU who has said before that the 4 hour feed pattern they try to get babies onto is mainly to help the nurses, especially when the ward is full and they are rushed off their feet!
I know my DD couldn't wait more than 3 hours between feeds until about 12 weeks when she suddenly started to need 3.5/4 hours to take a full feed of about 6/7oz.