My LO has been waking up around the same time each evening this week. For the past 4 nights it's been 2:26;2:31;2:37;2:36. The first night I reswaddled and he went back down quickly. The second and third night he screamed and cried for an hour. I tried everything - shh pat, reswaddling, paci, feeding (he didn't really eat - kept unlatching) even rocking... eventually he calmed down and went back to sleep until 5 (early wakings are another issue). Last night he didn't take to shh pat but ate hungrily and quickly and went right back to sleep until 5. All three nights he had a bit of wind when he was thrashing around screaming.
BT routine begins around 6:15 - 2 hours from his last nap. He usually is sleeping by 6:45. We DF at 10ish.
Should we be trying wake to sleep? Any other advice?