Well, my 19 week old cried for an hour and a half before finally falling asleep. For the most part, he's always been able to drift off to sleep without any problems. This week has been getting worse. He's done this sporadically, but tonight has been the worst. He cries, and then stops and starts again - over and over. We watch him on the monitor and he will cry, then turn his head like he's going to close his eyes, but then pops them wide open and cries again. The moment I go into his room, he stops crying. I have just been saying it's ok, it's night night time. And when he continues to cry, I put my hand on his chest. He stops crying while I am in the room and just hangs out. So I leave the room, and it continues again. He escalated and I had to do pu/pd. I changed him out of his pi's because he was so hot and reswaddled him in a onsie. During all that - he was quiet and sucking on his hands and making cute noises. The moment I leave, he starts crying I finally put my hand on his chest and patted a bit and left my hand on his chest until he fell asleep. I try to remove myself before he falls asleep, but tonight was crazy.
His schedule is bad because he has 4 30 minute naps all day long - for weeks and weeks.
In general, his schedule is
Wake up - 6:30am
Eat - 7:30am
Nap - 8:30am to 9am
Eat 10:15ish
Nap - 10:30ish to 11ish
Eat 12:30
Nap 1pm to 1:30pm
Eat 3:isn
Nap 3:30 to 4:30pm
Eat 5:45ish
Bedtime - between 6:15 and 6:30pm
He's EBF. Swaddled. No pacifier.
He's had the above schedule for a really long time. But now all the crying at night is keeping up so very late. He just now fell asleep at 8:45pm and I had him in bed at 7:15pm. He did wake up very early at 5:30am this morning, but I fed him and put him back in the crib and he fell asleep until 7:30ish ( after being awake until 6:45am)
I can't get any longer than 30 minute naps out of him - I've tried shorter A times, longer A times. I have not tried wake to sleep yet. I'm debated on stopping the swaddle - he seems to want out of it from the moment I get it on him. He is teething - but he's been teething for weeks. I give him gripe water.
So, am I doing the right thing with the crying? What do you do when they stop crying the moment you get in the room? His room is really really dark , so we aren't making eye contact.