Author Topic: Almost 5 month old - crying before bed/bad naps  (Read 4442 times)

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Re: Almost 5 month old - crying before bed/bad naps
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2014, 17:58:59 pm »
I wouldn't start dream feeding now if you never did it, I just wondered.
So with him waking for a night feed earlier, he could actually be showing a preference to eat pre-midnight so that his long sleep comes after that feed rather than before it.  The other possibility is that he is in pain so waking many times due to the teething.  When the teeth come it can be truly awful and no amount of routine tweaking will make any difference.
Hope the meds help and that his teeth come fast!

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Re: Almost 5 month old - crying before bed/bad naps
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2014, 19:13:38 pm »
So if I feed him at midnight and then he wakes at 4am (or so) for another feed - then that's not great right? But if I feed him at midnight and he sleeps all the way through, that's ok.

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Re: Almost 5 month old - crying before bed/bad naps
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2014, 03:17:41 am »
Well - he had a decent day of naps. Still had them broken up with 20 minutes or so wake times, but still decent naps for him. I gave him tylenol and put him to sleep for bed and he woke 45 min later crying pretty hard and I did pu/pd a couple times and walked out of the room. So, it's not teething then because the meds would have helped right?
I'm confused why he can nap and wake 30 min or so later and be perfectly fine (no crying) and drift back to sleep, but for nighttime, there is so much more crying.
I'm worried that maybe something is wrong with my supply? I cannot think of what else it could be at this point.

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Re: Almost 5 month old - crying before bed/bad naps
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2014, 12:06:29 pm »
I gave him tylenol and put him to sleep for bed and he woke 45 min later crying pretty hard and I did pu/pd a couple times and walked out of the room. So, it's not teething then because the meds would have helped right?
In my experience with DS when the teething is bad I have given paracetamol, ibuprofen and still needed to sooth him most of the night. Teeth can seriously hurt.  I wouldn't worry about sleep training or props if teeth are on the move, I'd do anything to sooth and comfort him.  Mine never created any bad habits no matter how much I comforted through pain, if anything I feel it made him even more independent as he has total confidence I would come/stay if needed which gave him even more confidence to be alone.
I also found (and think many have) that teething may not appear so bad during the day where there are heaps of other distractions but at night the pain seems more pronounced.

If you are concerned about your milk supply perhaps post a separate question on the bf board as I have no experience in this area. Sorry.

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Re: Almost 5 month old - crying before bed/bad naps
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2014, 12:07:39 pm »
Oh - and happy birthday!!

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Re: Almost 5 month old - crying before bed/bad naps
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2014, 14:58:01 pm »
Thanks Creations! Guess what gift my baby gave me?? After that first time of crying, he slept all the way until 5AM!!! I fed him and he went back to sleep until just now - 8am! Maybe the first dose of tylenol helped him get thru the night? I have no idea, but I'm thrilled.

My first DS didn't have much teething pain that I can recall and he always slept like 12 or 13 hours night without feeding or anything - so this night waking is new to me.

You have been so helpful!

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Re: Almost 5 month old - crying before bed/bad naps
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2014, 16:13:25 pm »
So, I'm pretty sure that taking him out of the swaddle is what helped. Last night I did not give him any ibuprofen and he slept all night long until 6:45am! First time ever. He can get himself comfortable now when he wakes. He still cries out from time to time, but can put himself back to sleep without me.

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Re: Almost 5 month old - crying before bed/bad naps
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2014, 18:52:34 pm »
Result!  :D

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Re: Almost 5 month old - crying before bed/bad naps
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2014, 21:14:53 pm »
Oh, today he's hungrier. So it's basically every 3.5 hours that he's eating. Is this normal when the night feed is dropped? Will he get back on 4hr easy?

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Re: Almost 5 month old - crying before bed/bad naps
« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2014, 16:09:26 pm »
Hey Creations - I have some questions about teething and night wakings. If you want me to do a different post I will, but I was curious about what I should do. So, up until last night, he's been sleeping thru the night (7pm to 5am or longer). I watch him on the monitor wake up and put him back to sleep and no crying or anything. He has 2 bottom teeth coming thru and they are out and I can feel the sharp edges from both of them. I thought the hard part was over - but this seems to be bothering him the most. Everything I've read says the pain should ease once they pop thru. So last night he goes to bed and sleeps until 10pm or so and he starts fussing and crying and I watch him try to close his eyes to sleep, but he can't. I go in and give him Camilia (that homeopathic teething liquid) and he sleeps another 45 minutes or so and wakes up crying. At that point I feed him and give him tylenol and he sleeps until 4am. At 4am he's awake and sort of happy and cooing and then after 45 minutes he gets fussy. I go in and give him Camilia and feed him and he sleeps until 7am.

Yesterday for his naps he did a long morning one, but 2 short afternoon ones. I would watch him again try to fall back asleep but start crying out after a few minutes.

So, in the middle of the night I don't think I should be feeding him. He doesn't need it, especially not at 10pm. I just felt like he should have some milk in him before I gave him tylenol?? How do I handle teething I guess is what I'm wondering. If I were to hold and rock him, he'd get excited and want to play with me. Do I just do pick up/put down? I don't want to say everything is teething related because we're going to have a long time of teething. I don't want to undue how well he's been able to get back to sleep on his own.

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Re: Almost 5 month old - crying before bed/bad naps
« Reply #25 on: April 10, 2014, 22:19:07 pm »
In my experience with DS when the teething is bad I have given paracetamol, ibuprofen and still needed to sooth him most of the night. Teeth can seriously hurt.  I wouldn't worry about sleep training or props if teeth are on the move, I'd do anything to sooth and comfort him.  Mine never created any bad habits no matter how much I comforted through pain, if anything I feel it made him even more independent as he has total confidence I would come/stay if needed which gave him even more confidence to be alone.
I also found (and think many have) that teething may not appear so bad during the day where there are heaps of other distractions but at night the pain seems more pronounced.
Sorry. I know teething is awful. Truly awful. I really wouldn't worry about undoing any aspect of independent sleeping. If he's in pain he needs you.  How about post on Health and Medical for some support?

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Re: Almost 5 month old - crying before bed/bad naps
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2014, 01:04:27 am »
Sorry to ask repetitive questions. I forget what I ask sometimes.

So adding in breastfeeding is considered ok?

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Re: Almost 5 month old - crying before bed/bad naps
« Reply #27 on: April 12, 2014, 02:19:55 am »
Me again! I think I need a schedule change. Is it possible that it's changed already? I figure because he was having such long wake ups while napping, he's been needing a longer awake time anyway. Last night was terrible and it started with him fighting sleep from the start and that seems to be when he's not ready for sleep. He woke up so often - like every 2 hours.

So he's 21 weeks now. I've been doing 2 hours Awake time, but I think he's ready for at least 2.5. His naps are back to being short - he does not go back to sleep after waking 30 minutes in.

I am so tired I have no idea if this makes sense.

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Re: Almost 5 month old - crying before bed/bad naps
« Reply #28 on: April 12, 2014, 06:57:13 am »
Teething can disturb naps so it may have nothing to do with his A time. However, if you feel he needs an increase, go for it. Mummy knows best :)

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Re: Almost 5 month old - crying before bed/bad naps
« Reply #29 on: April 12, 2014, 13:11:37 pm »
I kept him awake 2.5 after his last nap and he went to sleep without a fuss and slept all night without waking!!

So how do I do his day with such long A times and not push bedtime later and later?

He woke just now at 6am after a 7pm bedtime.
Wake 6am
Nap 8:30 to 10
Nap 12:30 to 2
Nap 4:30 to 5
Bedtime 7:30????

I'd prefer a 7pm bedtime. How do I manage that?