Our DS has just turned 8 months old, we've had a rough ride with his sleep from word go but now, mostly because I created accidental parenting. We've been working on removing props so he'll now sleep independently some of the time. However, he's started waking at either 2:30 or 3:30am and not resettling. I thought it was due to hunger as following a cold he started refusing solids and started BF very regularly. I posted on the breastfeeding board but it seems its not an issue with feeding so I'm hoping for some advice here if possible.
We aim for a day of:
6:00 - wake and BF
7:00 - solids
9:00 - nap
10:00 to 10:30 nap
BF on wake up
12:00 - solids
13:00 - nap
14:00 to 15:00 - wake up
BF on wake up
16:45 - solids
17: 30 to 18:00 (depending on npa 2 wake up) - BF and bed
Although this hasn't been happening, as he's been waking early I've been putting him down for AM nap early but then he's only been napping for 30 - 35 minutes so I've been bringing PM nap forward and using me as a prop to keep him asleep for as long as possible then early bedtime at 17:30.
Yesterday looked like this:
08:30 - nap
09:00 - awake
12:00 - finally fell asleep in cot
14:00 - awake
16:30 - 10 minute nap in car
18:30 - fell asleep after being unsettled
03:30 - awake
I think the 3:30am wake up could be becoming habitual? Is his routine appropriate or do I need to adjust it?