How did your night go? How I wish DS would do 2 hour naps!
DS ended up STTN for 11hours last night. I put him down again after 6hr15min A time and again he did 1.5hour nap. I guess I will do bedtime the same as yesterday and hope for another 11hours STTN tonight.
Oh, I forgot to mention that sometimes when DS goes into an OT spiral that he just can't recover from, i.e. short nights, leading to OT by nap time and hence, short naps, leading to more OT by bedtime and hence, short nights, etc. I would just totally annihilate him by just going out till super late and way past his bedtime. He will then do a super short night (like 8.5 hours) and then crash for his nap (3 hours) and then we do a short day. It kinda "re-boots" his system and we get back on track. I kinda discovered this when we flew from Europe to Asia and he only slept 3 hours on the plane. Prior to the travel, he was stuck in his OT loop for 2 whole months, and never took more than a 1hour20min nap! The day we arrived in Asia, he started taking 2-3hour nap until regression hit 2 weeks ago, and now we are back to 1.5hour naps
Guess what? Just as I was going to post this, DS fell back asleep.. LOL! Looks like Gymboree did well today and it's gonna be a longer nap! Now I don't know when to do bedtime.. sighs... damned if you do and damned if you don't...