Hi. DS is 8 months and over the last week I've been supplementing with formula. Any advice on how to increase supply back up? He seems to be hungry either at BT or nw and will take ages to get to sleep if at all. If I give him a bottle of formula he guzzles it down then reaches for his cot and is asleep seconds later.
He has about 5 bf a day (with the occasional nighttime feed) and 3 large solid meals a day. I'm not so concerned about the size of the solid meals as he has been on them since 3.5 months (doctors orders) and my other 2 kids were really big eaters as babies too. He has had trouble bf'ing due to 2 top teeth cutting through and causing him pain over the last 2 weeks. Also I am a bit rundown with a cold that hung around for ages and has now turned into an ear infection. I was going to tough it out, but I think I'll go to the doctors for antibiotics today just so I can start feeling better quicker.
I got out my pump so I could help supply along that way, but it needs a new valve as there is no suction, hopefully it arrives in a day or two.
So what else can I do? Are all the things that you do when bub is a newborn still relevant, like eating oats and protein, taking fenugreek and blessed thistle etc? I was on Motilium originally (DS had a milk transfer issue rather than me having a supply issue, but that is all fixed now) but a LC said that doesn't really help after 6 weeks as the hormone it mimics isn't produced by the mother anymore (or something like that, I was very tired and distressed at the consult, so I may have misheard!).
I'd love to feed DS till about 12 months and I think if I can get over this hurdle I will. I know I can mix feed as well, it just seems odd that I've lost supply all of a sudden.