Sometimes I have wondered about food... he is often constipated, and sometimes after he finally falls asleep, when he wakes up an hour later there's a little nugget in there. I give him prunes or peaches every day, along with other veggies and fruit. Any other ideas for relieving constipation? I don't give him rice cereal, the only cereal I give him is oatmeal. I do give him plain yogurt, which I've sometimes wondered about, but sometimes (like the past couple nights have been a bit better) he doesn't wake up till 4am, and I may have given him yogurt at noon with no ill effects until then, so I can't tell if that's it. I don't know.
I have tried to keep him up a little more between naps- so often he'll have 4 hrs of A time, from 10:30-2:30.
I don't leave the room and let him cry it out, I'm in there 90% of the time, softly singing or 'shh-ing'.
Yes, it does often work better for my husband, and he is willing, but his knack seems to be wearing off too. Last night he went to sleep fabulously, no props, fully awake, no tears. He stirred around midnight for a few minutes, but fell back to sleep. Woke just before 4am and seemed to resettle, then was crying(ish) by 4:45. I went in, picked him up, he instantly settled into my arms and seemed to fall asleep. Nope, tried pu/pd a bit, no luck, tried rubbing his back and soothing, nope, just irritated, tried just humming from afar, got more exasperated, picked him up again and he nearly fell asleep in my arms again, but no luck in putting him back down. I gave up, sent husband in. He tried similar things, no luck. Finally, around 5:20, he'd rocked him a bit and rubbed him in the crib back to sleep. Woke by 6:20 and I fed him and he's up.
One thing my husband thought when he came back after he was finally back to sleep was wondering if he was simply thirsty for water... so, we might give that a try tomorrow.