Author Topic: Just turned one and all sleeps got messed up  (Read 898 times)

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Offline yujai

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Just turned one and all sleeps got messed up
« on: April 03, 2014, 00:03:13 am »
Hi there, I need some help!!!

My son just turned one this week.  This mess all started from the daylight saving change, he started to wake up at 5:30am (used to be 6:30/7am), it does go back on track after a week and he started to sleep from 8pm - 7:30pm.  Then his morning nap also started to stretch from 1.5 hours to 2 hours and occasionally skipping the afternoon nap.  If I limited his morning nap to 1.5 hours, then he will be tired enough and want to sleep.  A week later, he started to skip afternoon nap more often and would fight for 45 minutes and not going to sleep (he would sleep without too much struggle if I let him sleep in car.  I parked in the garage and he can sleep in his car for over an hour).  Bedtime was still pretty normal, the nap doesn't seem to affect the night sleep and he started to sleep 30 minutes longer.

Things went extreme since Sunday when he had his first birthday party.  He refused to take his morning nap (fought from 10am til 11:15am, then finally I have my husband gave him a ride to sleep in car for 50 minutes).  He was half asleep during the beginning of his afternoon nap, but cried awake when I tried to leave the room.  After three unsuccessful attempts, he was just wide awake and so we let him play til bedtime.  This time the bedtime didn't went smooth.  Took almost an hour to settle and fell asleep. He also had multiple wakings that night and again, cried and got up and searched for me whenever I tried to leave the room.  I tried everything, pu/pd, rocked, nursed, nothing works.  I ended up lying on the floor beside his crib and pd him whenever he tried to get up, for more than 10 times until both of us fell asleep.  This whole process last from 1:30 til 4am.

An hour long bedtime battle and multiple wakings(couple hours long comforting) begins since then.  He is pretty much cried to sleep every night.  Morning nap seems to be a little bit back on track when he will fell asleep in his crib in 20 minutes (with crying, of course), but afternoon naps are still a miss or hit.  We believe this is all probably cause by separation anxiety and 2-1 nap transition.  He is very attached to me during the day and would not let others beside my husband and I hold him.

We had a well established nap time and bedtime routine.  He wasn't a great sleeper so we had these routine for since he was 3~4 months old.  White noise, humidifier, lovey, room darkening blinds, we had all that.

This is his normal schedule:
7:30 Wake up, nurse
8:30 Breakfast
10:00 Nurse, morning nap
12:00 Wake up, nurse
1:30 Lunch
3:30 Nurse, afternoon nap
4:30 Wake up, nurse
5:45 Dinner
6:45 Bedtime routine, quiet time
7:00 Bath
7:20 Story, nurse
7:30 Bedtime

This is his schedule today:
8:00 Wake up, nurse
9:00 Breakfast
10:30 Nap time routine (quiet time, wash hands, story, nurse)
11:00 Asleep for morning nap (around 15 minutes to settle)
12:45 Woke up, nurse (half asleep while nursing)
2:00 Lunch
3:15 Nap time routine (same as above. He was fussing around 3:10, so we tried to put him to sleep)
4:25 Finally fell asleep
5:15 Woke up, nurse (Usually I won't let him sleep pass 4:30pm, but he was not sleeping well at night, so I just let him sleep)
6:00 Dinner
8:00 Bedtime
8:40 Cried til then and fell asleep
« Last Edit: April 03, 2014, 00:12:11 am by yujai »

Offline HenaV

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Re: Just turned one and all sleeps got messed up
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2014, 12:07:55 pm »
Hi there!

A couple of things spring to mind when i read your post

1. Effects of developmental stuff given your LO's just turned one
2. He's ready for the transition to 1 nap which can be a struggle if LO get into an UT/OT loop
3. Teeth?

What's your gut feeling?
What has been his WU time for the last 2/3 days?


Offline yujai

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Re: Just turned one and all sleeps got messed up
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2014, 17:39:08 pm »
Thanks for your reply, Hena!

1. Yes, he starts to stand by himself and walking using the walker when his nap started to extend
2. He has a really strong spirit (this was a comment by our temporary nanny after being with him for a day), he can keep crying and crying and crying until I get back to him
3. 5 teeth coming out at the same time just before his nap pattern changed.

His wake up time was all over the place:
Wednesday: Woke couple times between 1am - 4am.  PU/PD for at least 30 minutes each time and there were times he woke just after 30 minutes.  Ended up slept from 4am til 6:30am.  Transferred to our bed nursed to sleep and slept til 8am.
Thursday: Woke once at midnight, pu/pd in 15 min; woke again at 5:40am, pu/pd til 6:15am and he seems to be wide awake, so I just transfer him to our bed and tried to nurse him back to sleep, not working.  Finally got up at 7am

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Re: Just turned one and all sleeps got messed up
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2014, 21:50:19 pm »
Tbh I think teething is the culprit here. As far as you can I would avoid nursing him back to sleep and settling him your bed. You may be creating yourself another problem yk?

Have you thought about DM? Certainly worked for us when R was teething at this age and older in fact. For us, DM helped to ease the NW which in turn made DTS better because R wasn't so OT, and good DTS meant a better night - you catch my drift I'm sure!


Offline yujai

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Re: Just turned one and all sleeps got messed up
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2014, 23:28:28 pm »
So right after posting, he seems to get back a little normal. Waking up once at night (sometimes he will sleep thru), but he is still waking up early at 5:30ish.  Morning nap mostly go back to normal, but always need to fight for an hour to nap in the afternoon. (The 2nd nap is around 4ish.  I feel very silly to battle for an hour and wake him up in less than an hour).

What is DM?  Sorry I suck as these acronyms. Thank you!

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Re: Just turned one and all sleeps got messed up
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2014, 16:18:01 pm »
DM is dream meds

Do you think he might be ready for one nap?


Offline yujai

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Re: Just turned one and all sleeps got messed up
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2014, 18:04:00 pm »
dream meds? Interesting, got to research on that.

I think he is close but not quite there yet. He can certainly stay up for really long time, but the night and next day may be all messed up.