Thank you in advance for any advice and help.
- 14 week old baby girl
- Been on 3-hour EASY since 8 weeks
- Sleeps 1x2hr nap in the morning, 2x1h-1.5hr nap mid morning and afternoon (the second one is always a "fight"), 1 cat nap between 5-6.
- Up until 13 weeks bedtime was 11pm, she would sleep 4-5 hours, feed, sleep 3-4 hours. (She would not stay down before 11pm, we realize now it was because she was overtired and sleeping too much in the day)
- At 12 weeks she went through a wonder week / development and was off routine (short naps and more BF).
- At 13 weeks, we started bedtime routine WAY earlier after speaking with some friends and reading more in Tracy's book. Bedtime is now 7:30pm and has been for the last 7 nights.
- For the last 7 nights, it has sadly looked something like this:
7:30-7:45pm bedtime
10:30pm dreamfeed
11:15pm wake up and cry after being put down - she doesn't wake for the dreamfeed, but always about 30 mins afterwards?? (not hysterically, but needs soothing - hand on belly/chest - usually don't have to PU/PD)
1:30am wake up and cry (Wait, listen then look and she needs a reswaddle, paci, and will usually settle herself)
3:30am wake up and cry (Diaper change & Feed, but it's usually very difficult. Have to unswaddle fully and keep tickling her to stay awake. Have introduced a bottle of expressed breast milk for when I can't wake her up - she falls asleep nursing. It's very frustrating as I want to ensure a good feed)
5:30am wake up and coo (usually puts self back to sleep)
6:30am wake up for the day (FEED, still yawns, rubs eyes during BF, poops, usually only up for an hour before sleepy signs are back???)
- As you can see, she wakes up every 1.5-2 hours.
- We have been doing PU/PD for 8 days. She has responded well overall. We were rocking to sleep and using wake-to-sleep after placing her in crib (Dr. Harvey Karp method). Now when soothing in the crib we put a hand on her belly / chest and keep repeating "it's ok sleepy girl"
- She uses a pacifier but only at naps & bedtime.
- She feeds 8 times in a 24 hour period: 6:30am, 10:00, 1:00, 4:00, 6:00 + 7:00 (tank up), 10:30pm, 3:30am, 6:30am. Times may vary depending on the length of her naps, but I try to be as consistent as possible by waiting a full 3 hours and follow her hunger cues. (BF sessions are not always very efficient, she was a snacker before I really committed to EASY)
- For the tank up feed and dreamfeed we give her a bottle of expressed breast milk to ensure a good feed.
1. When soothing with PU/PD, how long should we keep our hand on her? I believe Tracy recommends waiting until the after the jolt, but I think she finds it overstimulating. I usually pull away after she settles and stops moving her legs. Sometimes she wakes back up, others not.
2. Why is she waking so much at night?
3. Will it ever get better on its own or do I need to change something else?
4. Is 7:30-7:45 too late of a bedtime if she is still waking up sleepy?
Thank you