OK. So things have gotten a little better. He stopped the 2 a.m. waking (thank goodness!) We brought back the 4 a.m. feeding. He wakes between 4 and 5 a.m. every day, my husband feeds him before going to work and then he sleeps until 6:45-7 a.m. I think dropping the feeding AND moving to a 4 hour EASY was a little too much change for him. He was only getting 23-25 ounces per day, which I wasn't comfortable with. He has started taking a lot more formula since we went up a nipple size, so hopefully his daily intake will increase.
I increased his awake time to 2.5 hours regardless of how cranky he is, and it seems to help a little. He's slept through an entire nap without waking a few times. Other times have required shush pat or me holding him through the transition if I don't get to shush pat in time. Right now, I don't let him sleep for more than 1.5 hours. I'm not sure if capping his naps is a good idea or not, but I figured it would help us get on a solid routine for now.
I think once we move to a three hour A time we'll be a lot better off. He still takes the afternoon cat nap, but he's starting to fight bedtime a little, even after capping the nap and keeping him awake for 2-2.15 hrs. Right now, I cap the nap at 20 minutes. Today, he napped from 4:50-5:10 and fell asleep (after protests) at 7:30. Should I cap it at 10 minutes until we move to a three hour A time?
Also, should I start moving to a three hour EASY this quickly, or should I stick to 2.5 hours for a while? He turned six months yesterday.