Author Topic: EASY all over the place with baby number 2!  (Read 3786 times)

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Re: EASY all over the place with baby number 2!
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2014, 14:12:02 pm »
Thank you for your concern, but the blister is exactly like you describe it and much better this morning. It doesn't look inflamed, just more raised on the middle part of his top lip. What I thought was an additional blister is actually a very small cut (I'm assuming from his sharp nails!)

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Re: EASY all over the place with baby number 2!
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2014, 14:45:49 pm »
Creations, I did what you suggested and kept him up 2.5 hours this morning. So far, he's been napping for an hour and 15 minutes. I did do shush pat through the transition, but I didn't have to hold him and he didn't stir nearly as much so maybe we're on the right track? He did cry a lot before I laid him down (we were in the car) but settled pretty quickly once the lights were out. Here's the EAS so far

A: 7 a.m.
E: 7:15-8
S: 9:28
A: ??

I'll take your suggestion and feed him his solids around 4 and put him down no more than two hours after his cat nap. Should I continue shortening the cat nap or let him sleep the full 30 minutes? Also, in your experience, will it take a few days for these changes to take affect? I just want to make sure I don't throw in the towel early thinking that it's not working if we have another bad night.

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Re: EASY all over the place with baby number 2!
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2014, 16:42:01 pm »
It always takes several days for things to settle and sometimes another tweak is needed after a few days or a week if they get used to the longer A ans still need more so don't throw in the towel, just keep plodding on :)
As you've already capped the CN I would continue to do that if he's ok with it, the earlier BT will let him catch up.

Keep going. Maybe post an update in 3 - 7 days to see if any more tweaks are needed.
(and keep a check on that blister!  My LO had hand foot and mouth and was lucky enough not to get very painful mouth blisters but they can be truly awful.)

Offline JamieD2013

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Re: EASY all over the place with baby number 2!
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2014, 17:38:26 pm »
Thanks and will do. As for the blister, my oldest has had HFM twice! It is truly the worst virus! Trust me, I hassle his pediatrician nearly every week, so if i thought it were serious,I'd make an appt. It isn't really even there anymore. :) but I truly thank you for your concern. :)

Offline JamieD2013

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Re: EASY all over the place with baby number 2!
« Reply #19 on: April 17, 2014, 00:32:44 am »
OK. So things have gotten a little better. He stopped the 2 a.m. waking (thank goodness!)  We brought back the 4 a.m. feeding. He wakes between 4 and 5 a.m. every day, my husband feeds him before going to work and then he sleeps until 6:45-7 a.m. I think dropping the feeding AND moving to a 4 hour EASY was a little too much change for him. He was only getting 23-25 ounces per day, which I wasn't comfortable with. He has started taking a lot more formula since we went up a nipple size, so hopefully his daily intake will increase.

I increased his awake time to 2.5 hours regardless of how cranky he is, and it seems to help a little. He's slept through an entire nap without waking a few times. Other times have required shush pat or me holding him through the transition if I don't get to shush pat in time.  Right now, I don't let him sleep for more than 1.5 hours. I'm not sure if capping his naps is a good idea or not, but I figured it would help us get on a solid routine for now.

I think once we move to a three hour A time we'll be a lot better off. He still takes the afternoon cat nap, but he's starting to fight bedtime a little, even after capping the nap and keeping him awake for 2-2.15 hrs. Right now, I cap the nap at 20 minutes. Today, he napped from 4:50-5:10 and fell asleep (after protests) at 7:30. Should I cap it at 10 minutes until we move to a three hour A time?

Also, should I start moving to a three hour EASY this quickly, or should I stick to 2.5 hours for a while? He turned six months yesterday.


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Re: EASY all over the place with baby number 2!
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2014, 07:10:41 am »
Sounds like you're doing great! Things may not be 'perfect' (what is?) but you are handling it and tweaking yourself into a decent day :)

For that nap drop you might find increasing just one or two of the A times is enough to get through to an early bed time, all A times are not necessarily the same length. He's managing a longer A to BT now and pushing BT later so I think it's time to work towards 2 naps and EBT. Yes you could cap the CN further if it's working that way for you.
Do you feel like he can take another A increase? Just thinking if you increase the A and stop capping the two long naps (not that it's wrong) you will get further through the day towards BT. How about leave him to nap as long as he likes and just see where it gets you?
For instance with 2hr naps the A only needs to reach 2hr 45 (rather than 3hr) to get through a 12 hr day.

Offline JamieD2013

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Re: EASY all over the place with baby number 2!
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2014, 18:20:46 pm »
I think I understand what you're saying. I let him nap as long as he wanted this morning, but I'm worried about how the rest of the day is going to go. If he takes a normal or (God forbid) short nap this afternoon, he won't be able to make it to bedtime without a cat nap, but it will be so late that his bedtime will be really late as result.

This morning, he stayed awake for 2 hrs, 40 minutes without much complaint. I'm now at a point when I'm not sure when to stay out of his room when he wakes during the transition or when to leave him alone. He will wake up at the usual time (30-45 minutes into the nap) and look around. Sometimes he will fall back asleep and sometimes it seems like he's up for good, so I will go in and either shush pat or hold him through the transition. Today, however, he seemed very irritated that I held him and fussed at me for about 20 minutes. He wanted to sleep (had eyes partly closed and was crying) but couldn't settle on his own and wouldn't settle in my arms. I'm not sure what to do now other than leave him alone and pray that he falls back asleep? The 45 minute naps really screw our day up, so I hate risking it!

Here's how the day has gone so far:

WU: 7 am.
Solids/Bottle - 7:15-8 a.m.
A: 8 a.m. - 9:40
S: 9:40 - 11:30 with a rough patch in the middle

He seemed tired immediately after waking up from his morning nap. I'm not sure what the deal is (he seems to be getting ANOTHER cold) so he could just feel crummy. I ended up putting him down about 2 hours and 15 minutes after his last nap and he immediately fell asleep. He's napping now and we're getting into to the touchy time of his nap, so hopefully he'll make it through!