How funny - I was thinking of posting the exact same qn this afternoon! So glad you asked.
L's favourite activities ATM are (in no particular order):
- play doh
- drawing/painting/sticking etc
- playing tea parties/birthday parties/weddings/nursery school with her dolls and cuddly toys
- playing in a den (aka blanket over gap between two arm chairs) with dolls, tea set, her cooker, whatever else takes her fancy
- duplo
- happy land (but perhaps she needs something for slightly older LOs now)
- building with one of those sets of coloured wooden blocks/bricks
- train set
She also goes through phases of being into jigsaw puzzles.
Her birthday isn't until September but I was thinking of getting her a 'proper' dolls house that we can add to, or more train set stuff but I think she'd prefer a dolls house (although I'd prefer the train set
My niece got a sylvanian family hotel and two families for her second birthday a few weeks ago and apparently loves it.