Author Topic: Almost 10 month old schedule-tweak??  (Read 1139 times)

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Almost 10 month old schedule-tweak??
« on: April 06, 2014, 20:40:11 pm »
Just looking for feedback on my almost 10 month old schedule (she'll be 10 months in 13 days).

5:50. Wake up
Meds (reflux) n wait 30mims.
6:30. 6 oz bottle
8:00  breakfast - 2-3 tablespoons cereal.
9:00. Nap. 1.5 hours.
10:30 wake up
11:00. 6 oz bottle
1:00 lunch. Serving of veggie, serving of fruit and either a tbsp cereal OR serving of chicken.
2:00 nap. 30mins -1.15 mins (big trouble getting this one right).
3:00 meds n wait 30 mins
3:30 6 oz bottle
5:30 supper. Eats Cheerios/picks at finger foods.
6:30-7 bottle and bed.

Also still doing a DF at 10:30. Dropped it last week but that's when she started waking up at 5:30-5:50 instead of 6:20-6:40.

Does this schedule look ok?
Too many bottles?
How do I get bedtime to be 8:00 so I can have a WU of 7?
Any suggestions at all to make this better? More age appropriate? Or is it ok?

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Re: Almost 10 month old schedule-tweak??
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2014, 08:43:05 am »
Your routine isn't bad at all.
You don't need to cut any bottles until LO shows less interest in one or more of them at which point you can switch either the mid morning or mid afternoon for a solids snack with a sippy cup of water and the other 3 bottles should pick up again. You might see this happen over the next month or so.
To move BT and WU you can move the whole routine on 15 mins every few days, it's important to move the feeds not just the naps. It's just like changing the routine for clock change
How to Adjust to Daylight Savings
Doesn't work for every LO (mine was very resistant) but mostly it works.

However I would also consider increasing the first A time and decreasing the last A time as it's quite a long A to BT and perhaps this is causing a bit of OT and LO waking earlier in the morning.
How about move the routine on by 15 mins for a few days on the feeds and naps but keep BT the same with a view to evening out the A times a bit but not reducing the night sleep?

Offline Green007

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Re: Almost 10 month old schedule-tweak??
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2014, 09:14:47 am »
Thank you. How long should that last A time be? It's 4 hours now.

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Re: Almost 10 month old schedule-tweak??
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2014, 18:32:13 pm »
It's not so much a case of how long the last A time 'should' be, because all LOs are different. Some won't go to bed unless they have a long last A, mine (and others) like a super short last A time. It's more a case of finding something that works for your LO. As it stands you have a very short first A compared to the very long last A - and that would be fine if the naps were great and you weren't getting the earlier morning WU - but taking earlier WU (shorter night) into account plus the second nap being a bit hit or miss I would just even things up a little bit, they still don't all need to be equal.  So, I suggest just leaving BT where it is (assuming this has been his BT for a while, even before the DF drop), shift the rest of the day on and see what happens.
I know you said he started waking earlier when you dropped the DF, at this age I would expect him to be able to still do a full night without waking from hunger so my guess is the earlier WU isn't necessarily the DF drop but more likely the first A being too short, the last A a bit too long and possibly a bit of OT by BT.
It's a bit of guess work, but that's my guess.

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Re: Almost 10 month old schedule-tweak??
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2014, 20:18:42 pm »
Again, thanks for that. Her first A time is 3 to 3h10 mins. Second A time is 3h30 and the last is 4. So maybe try to stretch the morning one to 3h30 mins and push things forward a bit. I ideally want BT to be 7:30-8 so we can get out and enjoy the spring/summer weather with our 3 year old. I didn't think a 3 hour A time was considered super short. I really need to reevaluate here and figure out what I'm doing wrong.

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Re: Almost 10 month old schedule-tweak??
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2014, 21:27:18 pm »
Sorry. I didn't mean to imply you were doing something wrong. Like I said in my first response your EASY isn't bad at all. If nights hadn't gone short for you I wouldn't have suggested any changes at all as LOs all respond to different routines.

If you want to move BT to enable to family to go out I would just shift the whole day as per the link I gave on clock change. 15 min increments.  I hope your LO responds well to it :)

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Re: Almost 10 month old schedule-tweak??
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2014, 23:45:48 pm »
No no I appreciate your input. I just can't make any of this work because her second A time is never the same. I'll repeat the day exactly and she'll sleep 30 mins. If I could nail down that second would work out better for me. But I've been trying for MONTHS now. It's completely hit or miss. I'm so sleep deprived and just absolutely defeated. Ready to just move her to one nap cold turkey and deal with the repercussions.

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Re: Almost 10 month old schedule-tweak??
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2014, 20:42:07 pm »
Oh dear, sounds like it's been hard work :(

If you are looking for a longer day so you can get out with the family I really wouldn't suggest moving to one nap now, as tempting as it may seem, when mine moved to one nap (11-12 months) his rock solid 2 hour nap disintegrated into 20 mins OT napping and the need for W2S every 20 mins throughout (oh and a lot of screaming as we worked out when to do that nap and that I needed to W2S every 20min), not pretty.

Instead, how about increase that second A time whilst also moving the day on a bit as previously mentioned?  Increasing that A could help lengthen the nap and at the same time help move BT later.
What do you think?