Hi, I hope someone can help me. I haven't slept in a long time.
I read the baby whisper book when my son was 4 and a half weeks old. I new that something wasnt working - he wanted me to hold him all day so i started him right away on the EASY schedule and i love it - during his activity time he is so happy and content and he doesnt need me to hold him - when i put him down for his nap - i followed all of her instructions - i dont rock or jiggle him at all - he falls asleep within 5 minutes on me and then i wait about 2 minutes for him to fall into a deeper sleep and then i put him down on his side. he stays sleeping for 5 minutes sometimes 10 sometimes 20 and then his eyes pop open and i stay there and rub his head and he falls back asleep, unless i dont go to him right away (then he will start crying and need me to pick him up to fall asleep again). he does this on any off all night and all day long - sometimes he doesnt even sleep for more than a 5 minute stretch between one feed and another. he's overtired and so am i!!!! i know that he's not hungry or in pain or uncomfortable because the second i lay him on me - he sleeps soundly. if i let him stay on me - he will sleep 4 - 5 hour stretches at night but i dont do it at all cuz i know it will just confuse him - i have been doing this for 2 weeks and nothing is helping. any suggestions? i wish i could email "the baby whisperer" herself