Nicky, it's also worth trying as you may know your child better.
When DS was 3 days and we got back from hospital I realized I never ever heard him crying for food as it was always me who woke him. So what I did: I had tank him up in the evening with cluster feeds and "dream feed" (he woke) and decided to wait until he will wake up by himself. Ohhh God, what a night it was:). He woke after 6h! Believe me, I wasn't sleeping much as firstly his every grunt made me alert and secondly after him sleeping 4,5h in the middle of the night I started going through Tracy's book to check examples how long children may sleep as I was so afraid that he sleept so long.
But that's my boy:). He may wake from naps, he is sometimes difficult to settle, doesn't want to sleep on the morning and afternoon but sleeping long at night is his great achievement.
So if your DD is gaining well on weight, do not wake her during night. Let her sleep and decide what sje wants. It will also help you to understand her better!