Author Topic: Dropping bottle  (Read 5264 times)

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Offline Chloevalentine

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Dropping bottle
« on: April 19, 2014, 11:23:07 am »
My lo will be 10 months at end of the month and he's currently taking 4 bottles. I'll offer him 7 oz sometimes he takes it all sometimes only 4-5 oz. So his total is 20-28 oz in a day. The pediatrician says by the time he's a year he should be down to 16-20 oz. But my question is this. I give him his bottle every 4 hours and sometimes he might refuse one of the adteenoon ones. So yesteday I gabe him his bottle when he woke waited about 45 mins to feed breakfast ( I'm not sure if waiting makes a difference but I just think adter eating 7 oz of formula how could he eat breakfast) then he'll take a nap and get another bottle when he wakes or aroubd 4 hours later but yesterday he woke at 1015 and was due for bottle aroubd 11 so I decided to wait and offer him lunch solids first at 12 and then gave him his bottle before adteenoon nap aroubd 1:45. He took 7 oz and then had another 8 oz bottle before bed. So he had a total of 22 oz in 3 bottles. I did try to offer him some formula in sippy cup with / adter lunch but be wasn't interested. So can I do this schedule moving forward or have I taken away a bottle from him too soon?

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Re: Dropping bottle
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2014, 18:49:57 pm »
That sounds absolutely fine to me!

Most bottle fed babies move to a routine very similar to that around 9/10 months and I *think* I've posted about my DD's routine on some of your other threads!


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Re: Dropping bottle
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2014, 13:05:59 pm »
I don't remember your post on bottle feeding but thank you. My question is if I feed him a bottle at waking the again about an 1.5-2 hours after lunch and then again before bed ( according to the sample schedule posted for 3 bottles) the afternoon is tough because at some point we go out so the lunch at 12 and then bottle at 130-2 ish and nap at 3 is tough. Can I just give him lunch at 12 followed by a bottle or will he not be hungry enough after eating lunch?  Thank again. He will be 10 months this week. Should I offer 3 7 oz bottles  soon? Right now I offer 3 9 oz bottles. Thanks again

Offline Chloevalentine

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Re: Dropping bottle
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2014, 13:57:47 pm »
Also sometimes he takes his afternoon 30 min catnap in car if we are out and then I can't give him that mid afternoon bottle until adter he wakes from nap which coukd be 3 or 4 pm which is kind of late figuring he will then eat solids and have another bottle befire bed aroubd 7

Offline Bababoo

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Re: Dropping bottle
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2014, 14:21:25 pm »
Hya - I dropped my DD's 4th bottle maybe 2 months ago (she is 10 months now) and am in the slow process of dropping another one..this is how it worked for me..

...on 4 bottles she would have 7oz on waking, breakfast maybe 2 hours later (she is an early riser so days starts @ 6am), second bottle after morning nap (7oz), lunch 1-2 hrs later, bottle in the afternoon @3ish (7oz), dinner @5 and bottle between then and bed (7oz). It was a pain trying to fit all the feeding in and then she gradually started taking less and less of the afternoon bottle so over a few weeks I started only offering 6oz, then 5, then 4, then 3 and then stopped completely. Didn't seem to miss it at all...should say she is a great eater so has a good amount to eat at all 3 meals.
I'm now gradually cutting the morning bottle so she has 7oz when she wakes up, breakfast 2 hours later, 5oz after am nap, lunch at least an hour later and then dinner at 5 and bottle @6 (7oz) so she is on 19oz in total at the moment. She'll drink a few ozs of water from a sippy cup with luinch and dinner aswell.

Hope this is of some help!

Offline Chloevalentine

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Re: Dropping bottle
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2014, 14:37:04 pm »
Thanks so much for sharing. So msybe I should try bottle at 7 after he wakes breakfast a half hour to an hour later then smaller bottle after morning nap around 11 lunch an hour later around 12 then dinner around 4 and a bottle before bed aroubd 7. He will take whatever amount I put in bottle he's at aroubd 25 oz average but he's also a good eater so I'm not worried that with all the solids he eats he won't be hungry lol. But it just seems like a long time to go from lunch until dinner with no food?

Offline Bababoo

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Re: Dropping bottle
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2014, 15:30:49 pm »
I worried about that too but it seems to have worked out - today for instance she was up at 6 - so had 7oz @ 6.30am, had breakfast at 8.30am (porridge, toast and an orange), nap at 10-11am and 5oz at 11.30...lunch was at 2pm (ham and cheese sambo and natural yoghurt and maybe 3oz water) - would normally have aimed for 1.30 but was out and about and delayed getting home - nap from 3.15 - 4 and I'll start dinner @ 5 - 5.30 and then bottle @ 6.30.

The afternoon is the longest gap without food or bottle (maybe up to 3 hours) - and she has a great appetite so I wasn't sure if I should bring dinner forward but it always seems to work out...maybe you could give a little bit of fruit mid-afternoon if you think he needs a snack?

Offline Chloevalentine

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Re: Dropping bottle
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2014, 18:27:29 pm »
Thank you! I'm going to try the snack. Today we had bottle at 7 am 9 oz then breakfast at 8 and a nap from 10-11 bottle at 1115 6 oz he took and lunch at 12:15 one hour after and then we were out. I gave him a few puffs while he was in his stroller and he napped in car 2-230 then I think I'll give him dinner early around 330 then bottle before bed at 630 9 oz. Tomorrow I'll try yogurt or fruit for snack in between lunch and nap if we arevt out.

Offline Bababoo

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Re: Dropping bottle
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2014, 19:37:26 pm »
The times you pick obviously need to work for your schedule and his appetite so this suggestion is purely based on our day here - would it be better to push all the meals a little later..I'd be worried for my DD that dinner at 3.30 (even with a bottle later) would have her hungry during the night - but since I started the third meal it's always been @5pm so maybe that's what we've both been used to - if you did breakfast @ 9, lunch @1 and dinner @ 4.30 there's less of a gap between meals. When I dropped the afternoon bottle it meant that we had a few hours clear without meals (whatever snack you pick would be easy to have on the go) so apart from a nap we had a few hours clear to do stuff.

Just throwing out ideas -  as with all changes to routine (I'm currently trying to adapt DD's sleep routine to get rid of 5am starts!!) you just have to try it out and tweak as you go along!

Offline Chloevalentine

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Re: Dropping bottle
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2014, 20:07:25 pm »
I never thought about dinner so early not letting him get through a night. I thougt the 9 oz bottle before bed would do that. Ok I'll try it. I just hate waiting so long between bottles and solids which is why I always do breakfast an hour or less after bottle and lunch an hour after bottle. But I'll give it a shot. Thank you :)

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: Dropping bottle
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2014, 10:53:31 am »
Just following this as I think I might have to drop a bottle for DD soon as she's trying to resist her BT bottle!!  ::) have obviously explained that's not the one to drop but hey ho  ;)

We have dinner early too so I know it's not that.... Tbh if I've eaten lots during the day I wouldn't want 'supper' either! She does munch her way through around 30ounces of formula still, although she's leaving more in her bottles these days (I make 4 x 8oz).

How's it working for you chloevalentine? Has your LO woken up hungry during the night with the decrease in milk? Suppose that's what I'm paranoid about...

Thanks, and sorry for hijacking your thread  ;)


Offline Chloevalentine

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Re: Dropping bottle
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2014, 14:52:07 pm »
Hi :) well I've dropped a bottle but I'm offering him 3 9 oz bottles so I'm not technically dropping oz. sometimes he takes all 9 sometimes he takes 6-7. Why don't you first try consolidating the bottles first so you drop one feeding but not the amount in bottle? I'm messing around with feeding time for the second bottle now. So I'm trying first bottle at 7 (today he took 7 oz) then breakfast at 8 then I'm going to try to give him a next bottle after his morning nap which should be around 11. I'll offer him the 9 oz and see what he takes then lunch around 12-1230 then dinner around 4-430 and last third bottle before bed where I'll offer him the 9 oz and he will most likely take it all. I'm just concerned with such a large gap between lunch and dinner with no formula or food. Someone suggested a snack around 3. So I might try that. So I'm highchair for lunch at 1230 back in at 3 for snack and back in at 4 for dinner. We will see how that works out. Good luck to you :)

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: Dropping bottle
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2014, 15:06:36 pm »
Thanks for that.. I'll definitely give it a whirl!

Our feeding times are similar to yours too... Also, we do finger food for lunch so I'm thinking she definitely is hungry around 3. I'm going to start offering her less in that bottle for a week and offer a snack then bump up the rest as you're doing. Then hopefully drop that bottle next week so she's left with just a snack.

Good luck to you too! Keep me posted how you get on. Thanks again.


Offline Chloevalentine

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Re: Dropping bottle
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2014, 15:27:03 pm »
We also do finger foods in combination with me spoon feeding him. That way he gets the amount of food he needs plus he experiments with different finger foods and feeding himself which he loves but I know he's full because I'm also spoon feeding him. This afternoon he woke at 11 and I gave him a 9 oz bottle and he took 7 oz. Maybe if you upped the amount of solids lo won't need or take as much formula and you won't be nervous that he/she is hungry. That's what I did. Good luck :)

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: Dropping bottle
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2014, 18:24:59 pm »
She does eat quite a bit of solids too.. Thinking she may be greedy like her father!  ;)

I do some finger foods at lunch as I mostly do spoon feeding at the other two meals. Might try and do a combination like you do though. Just can't be dealing with the mess all over the floor more than once a day!!

For the 3pm bottle I only offered 5oz and she drained that, but she did take more of her BT bottle tonight.. Around 7oz. Much better than the last few nights where it was a struggle to get her to have 3oz!!

I suppose they'll only eat what they want...  ;)

Thanks for the support though... Nice to know someone else is going through it all at the same time. What would I do without these forums?!
