Hya - I dropped my DD's 4th bottle maybe 2 months ago (she is 10 months now) and am in the slow process of dropping another one..this is how it worked for me..
...on 4 bottles she would have 7oz on waking, breakfast maybe 2 hours later (she is an early riser so days starts @ 6am), second bottle after morning nap (7oz), lunch 1-2 hrs later, bottle in the afternoon @3ish (7oz), dinner @5 and bottle between then and bed (7oz). It was a pain trying to fit all the feeding in and then she gradually started taking less and less of the afternoon bottle so over a few weeks I started only offering 6oz, then 5, then 4, then 3 and then stopped completely. Didn't seem to miss it at all...should say she is a great eater so has a good amount to eat at all 3 meals.
I'm now gradually cutting the morning bottle so she has 7oz when she wakes up, breakfast 2 hours later, 5oz after am nap, lunch at least an hour later and then dinner at 5 and bottle @6 (7oz) so she is on 19oz in total at the moment. She'll drink a few ozs of water from a sippy cup with luinch and dinner aswell.
Hope this is of some help!