Author Topic: Think I have a snacker?  (Read 1555 times)

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Offline Mom-of-boys

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Think I have a snacker?
« on: April 20, 2014, 03:08:43 am »
Just looking for some thoughts on my almost 7 mo's feeding routine.  He usually doesn't eat more than 4, maybe 5 oz at a time and I'm wondering if DH and I have created a snacker or if it's something else?  As a newborn, he seemed to just get hungrier as the day went on, eating not too much in the morning, but chowing down in the evenings!  Right now, our easy looks something like this:

6 am. Wake up, and eat (4-5 oz)
7 am breakfast about 1 oz of fruit/cereal
8:30  eat another 2-3 oz
9-11.  Nap
11:00 eat (4-5 oz)
12:00 lunch 1 oz fruit/veggie
1:30. Eat another 2-3 oz bottle
2:00-4:00 nap
4:00 eat 4-5 oz bottle
5:00 supper 1 oz veggie
6:30 3-4 oz bottle
7:00 BT
Dream feed 10:00 (6-7 oz)
Sometimes nw at 4-5 am which I will feed him a 4 oz bottle to get him to fall back asleep.

Also with solids, I'm offering about an 1 oz but he typically doesn't eat it all.
Is this what you would call a snacker or is this developmentally normal for this age?  If I'm offering a small bottle for that EW, is that messing up our whole day by him not taking a good first feed maybe?

Offline Lolly

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Re: Think I have a snacker?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2014, 07:56:41 am »
Yup - looks like a snacker to me!

I think he's not eating much solids or taking bigger bottles because he is eating so often he's not getting a chance to get properly hungry. I think you need to stop the pre-nap bottles so he should be hungrier for the bottle after the nap, at the moment he is getting milk every 2.5 hours!

It may take a couple of days to settle into a new routine and for the bottles to increase but you will need to do what you can to distract him in order to stretch the time between bottles. A better EASY would be

6am bottle
8/8.30 am solids (should eat more and help not be hungry for nap)
9-11 nap
11 bottle
1/1.30 solids
2-4 nap
4 bottle
5 solids (I would do finger foods here so he doesn't eat too much as milk is more important for your nights)
6.30 bottle
7.00 bed

If you aren't on a fast teat I would also swap as this will help him to take more.

What do you think?


Offline Mom-of-boys

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Re: Think I have a snacker?
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2014, 17:03:34 pm »
Laura, I do like the looks of the routine.  I think the feeding has been partially rough because I'm trying to coordinate with DS1's meals, so I might be trying to feed solids a little too close to the bottle just because DS1 is at the table eating already.  :/.  We woke up at 5:00 today and couldn't fall back asleep which has slightly changed our day, but he ate 3 oz at 7:00, breakfast at 8:00 with DS1, and currently down for a nap.  Hopefully he's good and hungry for his next feed when he wakes up.  :). I bought him a faster flow teat about a month and a half ago, but I'll check the next time I'm at the store to see if there's a faster option out there, too.

Offline Lolly

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Re: Think I have a snacker?
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2014, 17:36:01 pm »
Let us know how the day goes!

It is hard with 2, my poor DD has had to do fit in with big brother since she was born!
